today 23 may 2021 is celebration of Pentecost = GOD HOLY SPIRIT come stay inside Christians .
(1) some christians opinions : GOD HOLY SPIRIT can leave Christians . (2) some christians opinions : GOD HOLY SPIRIT never leave Christians . which one is truth ?
to know the truth , i pray ask GOD JESUS SAVIOR give me knowledge of truth , and GOD JESUS SAVIOR give knowledge through GOD HOLY SPIRIT lead my mind search informations from internet , many informations in internet which one is truth ? GOD HOLY SPIRIT speaks in my mind : that not truth , that not truth , that not truth , this is truth :
Christian Bible John 14:15-17
[15] GOD JESUS SAVIOR said : “ if you love ME , obey MY commandments .
[16] and I will ask GOD CREATOR ALMIGHTY to give you another HELPER ADVISER who will never leave you .
[17] HE is GOD HOLY SPIRIT who leads into all truth ..... HE lives with you now and later will be in you .
why (2) some Christians opinions : GOD HOLY SPIRIT never leave Christians ? GOD HOLY SPIRIT speaks : because they read John 14:16 only , they did not read John 14:15 , they wrong understand .
GOD HOLY SPIRIT speaks : the truth is must read John 14:15 and then read John 14:16 this is conditional statement :
* if Christians Believe GOD JESUS SAVIOR + obey GOD JESUS SAVIOR 's commandments = then GOD HOLY SPIRIT stay inside Christians ( stay in heart fill of peace joy happy ) .
* if Christians Believe GOD JESUS SAVIOR - but did sins not obey GOD JESUS SAVIOR = then GOD HOLY SPIRIT stay outside not stay inside Christians ( heart not peace not joy not happy ) .
* if christians disfaith disbelief ( change to not believe ) GOD JESUS SAVIOR ( from Christians to non-christians ) = then GOD HOLY SPIRIT leave non-christians ( heart not peace not joy not happy ) .