GOD vs devil

Children of GOD vs children of devil.
human consist of body soul spirit.
GOD is Good Spirit.
devil is bad spirit.
when human born as children,
two things will happen to children,
Spirit of GOD fill to Children of GOD,
spirit of devil fill to children of devil.
Children of GOD will do Good things.
Good Character from Spirit of GOD.
children of devil will do bad things.
bad character from spirit of devil.
very Happy got Children of GOD.
very sad got children of devil.
Children of GOD to Heaven.
children of devil to hell.

the purpose of destiny

GOD give children to family.
children are gifts from GOD.

character human can not change.
but can direct to good or bad way.

parents responsible to direct children to good way.
devils want direct human since children to bad way.

human character can know since from children.
since children human character will be known.

some character person very hard to direct it.
some character person very easy to direct it.

some character are very hard.
some character are very soft.

hard teach hard character.
soft teach soft character.

why i am not married ?
why some not married ?

because i am afraid if GOD give me harder children.
because i am afraid if i got hard character children.

it is very happy if got soft good character children.
it is very sad if got hard bad character children.

character can not change it but can direct it.
can direct it but can not change character.

all parents shall teach good direct since children.
the devils will teach bad direct since children.

what happen to children if parents gone?
children will learn from others others.

if they learn good they will good.
if they learn bad they will bad.

no one can change fate destiny except GOD.
GOD was created destiny fate for all creature.

the destiny of good angels goto heaven.
the destiny of bad angels devils goto hell.

the destiny of good human saved goto heaven.
the destiny of bad human unsaved will goto hell.

pray pray pray

GOD heal my father.
GOD heal my right hand.
GOD heal all of us christian.
in the name of JESUS ! amen !
thanks GOD JESUS ! haleluYAH !

talk to GOD

GOD must not listen to devil deceiver !
GOD must not approve devil's demand !
GOD must not let devil do bad things !

GOD give me power !

i want power ! i need power !
GOD give me power !
in the name of JESUS ! i have power ! amen !
GOD give me power to heal !
in the name of JESUS ! i have power to heal ! amen !
GOD give me power to lead !
in the name of JESUS ! i have power to lead ! amen !
GOD heal my father !
in the name of JESUS ! my father healed ! amen !
GOD heal my right hand !
in the name of JESUS ! my right hand healed ! amen !
GOD heal my eyes !
in the name of JESUS ! my eyes healed ! amen !
GOD heal all christians !
in the name of JESUS ! all christians healed ! amen !
thanks GOD JESUS ! haleluYAH ! haleluYAH ! haleluYAH !

walk long way hot jambi

today 26 august 2010
start 12:30 ~ end 16:30
total time 4 four hours
i walk alone on the road of jambi,
i walk the road that i never walk,
after walk long i realize i wrong,
wrong destination to out of city,
i look sign south east ring road,
i turn back and use sun direct,
i am at south east of jambi city,
then i must go up to north west,
i captured some photos of jambi,
wow very hot sun burn my body,
i buy water drink and pour head,
after i walk near to center then,
i via ojek motorcycle goto mall,
in toilet room soak feet to water,
i sms sms sms sms sms sms sms,
hot sun cleared my mind fresh,
i rest sit in toilet for 30 minutes,
and go up mall buy pop ice eat,
then goto book store read book,
time 18:30 i goto home of sister,
bath dinner upload to my album.

accept it no choice

destiny fate predestination,
accept it and no choice.

example of fate is:
character of human.

human character is permanent can not change,
human can not reject this permanent gift of GOD,
human can only accept it and live in the destiny.

GOD has planned for every human their own fate,
GOD has created destiny for every person human,
GOD has make every human must live in destiny.

to be or not to be


William Shakespeare's Hamlet (written about 1600)
To be or not to be – that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
And, by opposing, end them. To die, to sleep
No more – and by a sleep to say we end
The heartache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to – ‘tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wished. To die, to sleep
To sleep, perchance to dream. Ay, there's the rub,
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come,
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause. There's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life.
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
Th’ oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,
The pangs of disprized love, the law's delay,
The insolence of office, and the spurns
That patient merit of th’ unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscovered country from whose bourn
No traveller returns, puzzles the will
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprises of great pitch and moment
With this regard their currents turn awry,
And lose the name of action.—Soft you now!
The fair Ophelia! Nymph, in thy orisons
Be all my sins remembered.


in the past time, before Christ, is the day of male,
after Christ, is the day of female, this present time,

old testament is the GOD male personality time,
new testament is the GOD female personality time,

GOD male time is GOD FATHER rule in law justice,
GOD female time is GOD MOTHER rule in love mercy,

GOD FATHER is male personality of GOD THE ALMIGHTY,
GOD MOTHER is female personality of GOD HOLY SPIRIT,

law justice is the male character personality of GOD,
love mercy is the female character personality of GOD,

in the past time man is the head of everything,
in this now time woman is the head of everything,

time of law,
time of love,

Law justice + Love mercy = Law justice Love mercy,

JESUS MESSIAH is the Law + Love,


GOD control destiny + happen

it is very easy to married but,
very difficult build good family,
very difficult control children,
from children start the human,
human character have problem,
from children until the old age,
good teach make person better,
bad teach make person worse,
some learn and some not learn,
some change, some not change,
human are not: perfect + good,
only GOD is good and perfect,
GOD the Creator of all destiny,
GOD created human's destiny,
GOD control destiny + happen.

sunday goto church

morning i wake too late, so night 18:00 pm,
buy 1 usd duplicated key made by engineer,
about 17:00 pm goto look batang hari river,
after that i go to church and i listen sermon.

GOD is justice, GOD can do everything,
GOD is good, GOD do everything for us,
GOD has create everything good for us,
GOD do everything good for us to better.

think good will do good,
think bad will do bad,
think correct will do correct,
think wrong will do wrong.

haleluYAH ! haleluYAH ! haleluYAH !
haleluYAH ! haleluYAH ! haleluYAH !
haleluYAH ! haleluYAH ! haleluYAH !
haleluYAH ! haleluYAH ! haleluYAH !

thanks GOD give me understand more !
thanks GOD give me understand more !
thanks GOD give me understand more !
thanks GOD give me understand more !
amen ! amen ! amen !

Thanks Praises Worships GOD !

Thanks Praises Worships GOD FATHER HEAVEN !
Thanks Praises Worships GOD JESUS MESSIAH !
Thanks Praises Worships GOD HOLY SPIRIT !

All Glory and All Honor and All Power are belong to :
forever and forever and forever ! amen ! amen ! amen !

HaleluYAH ! HaleluYAH ! HaleluYAH ! HaleluYAH !
HaleluYAH ! HaleluYAH ! HaleluYAH ! HaleluYAH !
HaleluYAH ! HaleluYAH ! HaleluYAH ! HaleluYAH !

jambi walk photo

pdt. sister + child + people of church,
go to celebrate anniversary of church,
her husband + child goto grand house,
afternoon 16:00 - 19:00 i go out house,
i walk from taher sudirman pasar back,
look many store think want open store,
jambi today many warnet play internet,
i had captured some photos jambi city,
upload photo to my album picasa web,

pray pray pray

GOD JESUS please forgive me !
GOD JESUS please help me !
GOD JESUS please change me !

in the name of GOD JESUS !
amen ! thanks GOD JESUS !
haleluYAH ! haleluYAH ! haleluYAH !

think and do

think good will do good !
think bad will do bad !

upload photo to my album

i upload some photo jambi
to my picasa web album at

how to change destiny ?

only GOD can change destiny !
human can not change destiny !

if you can change GOD then you can change destiny !
if you can not change GOD then you can not change destiny !

how to change character ?
how to change destiny ?

if GOD want change destiny then destiny will change !
if GOD not want change destiny then destiny will not change !

how to change not over sensitive ?
how to change not over hard anger ?

may GOD change me !
may GOD change you !

mall buy some

sms sms sms sms sms sms sms sms sms sms sms,
electric off about 11:30 am i can not internet,
today afternoon i goto mall batang hari jambi,
walk look think refresh physically spiritually,
eat at mall and buy 2 electric anti mosquito,
buy 4 pcs chalk anti cockroach, ice cream,
take some photos of jambi and goto house.

who to be the head ?

in past times i think all men must to be the head,
but now i change my think, the head shall to be the,
who do work and have money that shall to be the head,
if man do work have money then man shall to be the head,
if woman do work have money then woman shall to be the head,
if husband do work have money then husband shall to be the head,
if wife do work have money then wife shall to be the head of family.

GOD JESUS ALMIGHTY is the Head of all everything !

predestination by GOD

at jambi a priest 45th cancer died a week ago!!!
this case make me angry complained to GOD!!!!!
why christian died by disease?!? why?!? why?!?!!
GOD JESUS can not heal disease of christian?!?!!
why why why GOD let devil live do bad things?!?!
why GOD let HIS children died in the disease?!?!!!
it is too easy for GOD to kill devil but for what?!?!
devil must punish died torture in the hell forever!!!
christian live died in this world is just temporary!!!
christian will live forever in the heaven with GOD!!!

jambi internet problem

16 august 2010

after arrive jambi,
i try laptop internet,
in the room of house,
but can not internet,
ask friend to repair,

17 august 2010

friend said no problems,
then i try again my laptop,
i change to auto detect signal,
and can internet again, now know,
why yesterday can not net? because,
jambi have no 3g hspa signal internet,
jambi only gprs edge signal internet :)

house !!! house !!! house !!!

in this world i can only run run run,
from house to house to house,
i have no house in this world,
my house is in the heaven!

14 august 2010

3:00 am someone in the kos turn on music tom tom tom etc,
they maybe did drug, make all wake up include me wake up,
only five days i in the kos muwardi 2b1 grogol jakarta 50 usd,

8:00 am i decided must move out of kos muwardi because of:
they did dirty sin prostitute cohabit drug music tom tom tom,
i call the owner of that kos, he is christian, i ask back money,
he give back money 40 usd, then i go out search others kos,

9:00 ~ 15:00 i walk search can not found good kos for me,
past times i can found kos fast, but this time i can not found,
this is a destiny from GOD for me to walk in the way of GOD!
oh GOD JESUS help me! GOD JESUS help me find good house!
i pray ask GOD to help me and i sms ask my family to help me,
my sister at jambi call sms ask me to go to jambi! thanks GOD!

20:00 taxi me + bags to apartment palem cengkareng jakarta,
bags stored in apartment of family and take one bag of dress,
sleep a night and tomorow will airplane from jakarta to jambi,

15 august 2010

8:30 am i give keys to tufqifo mff friend brother in GOD JESUS,
for fast i go via batavia airplane company bus to airport jakarta,
my sister paid booking ticket, i check in, wait 10:40 fly to jambi.

i above the clouds, i see many clouds, white clouds in heaven:)
fantastic GOD created everything, GOD is the Greatest the One !

11:55 am arrive at jambi, my sister husband motor pick me up,
my sister children boy girl happy to see me, i happy to see them,
thanks GOD JESUS help protect me safety arrived to destination :)

GOD JESUS do the best

thanks GOD JESUS help solved problems,
a family husband wife child kos yesterday,
make kos situation stable balance harmony,
before this, some young cohabit sin in kos,
this family with children will teach them life,
sound of children make feeling good for all,
may GOD JESUS clean away dirty sin gone!

photo album as web store


this example web store use photo album

mall electric sockets for laptop

today afternoon i goto taman anggrek mall,
i search electric sockets for laptop internet,
i found some electric sockets concrete pile,
near public chair, need cable extention 3 m,
air conditioner is suitable for laptop internet.

think enough do enough

think too much, do too less.
think too less, do too much.
think enough, do enough.

The Righteous and The Upright

The Righteous need to Rejoices in GOD JESUS !
The Upright need to Praises GOD JESUS !
The Righteous Upright need to Rejoices Praises GOD JESUS !

i have one star hotel ^.^

why i said one star hotel room?
because room kos like room hotel,
have bath room and toilet in bed room,
only have fan and have no air conditioner,
my hotel not soundproof like five star hotel ^.^

ants dirts in room kos

my room kos muwardi jakarta,
ants and dirts from above wood,
maybe up there have ants nests,
every morning night every day,
use broom clean to bath room,
water clean ants and dirts out.

poor dress and poor sandal

from lindeteves glodok walk to grogol ciputra mall,
today my friend tufwfo invite me to their church,
night time 19:00 pm they have youth adult event,
i sms told him that i can not go there because,
my poor dress and my poor sandal, i am shame :)

lindeteves trade center very slow internet

today afternoon i via bus 940 goto lindeteves trade center glodok jakarta,
watch television news and internet, but the internet very slow in lindeteves,
maybe because lindeteves have no money to install fast speed internet,
or maybe lindeteves use tactic only advertising to attract business come,
many unemployee come to lindeteves for use free internet but very slow,
some come to food court lindeteves just for sit watch television wait time,
some come to lindeteves pure for business electric electronic spare part,
i hope lindeteves trade center will upgrade free internet more fast speed.

praises thanks GOD !

GOD thanks YOU very much
for everytime YOU love me

GOD thanks YOU very much
for everytime YOU with me

GOD thanks YOU very much
for everytime YOU bless me

GOD thanks YOU very much
for everytime YOU help me

GOD thanks YOU very much
for everytime YOU teach me

GOD thanks YOU very much
for everytime YOU protect me

GOD thanks YOU very much
for everytime YOU save me

every human have problem

every place have problem,
every human have problem,

every kos have problem,
every house have problem,

some problem are noise,
some problem are dirty,

no matter who,
no matter where,

learn to be good,
learn to do good.

fan for cooling

today afternoon i goto apartment cengkareng jakarta,
take fan from there and put the fan into bed room kos,
for cooling my room and for cooling the laptop internet.

pray pray pray

GOD JESUS bless holy this kos muwardi jakarta,
GOD JESUS bless safety for me at everywhere,
GOD JESUS bless me more patience peace,

in the name of GOD JESUS!

amen! amen! amen!
haleluYAH! haleluYAH! haleluYAH!

today move to new kos muwardi jakarta

today neighbor room kos ebve cough cough cough again in the early morning,
disturb me wake up from sleep and make me out of patience cause me angry,
i decided better move out to avoid conflict because he do not like me neighbor,
i take back my money kos 40 usd for search new kos for today this afternoon,
found kos price 50 usd muwardi grogol jakarta indonesia have bed + bath room,
thank YOU GOD JESUS help me solved this problem good ending for better life.

rain rain rain

yesterday night rain heavy wind,
umbrella half protect pants wet,
flood 15 cm in front of my kos,
talk talk talk with people kos.

friends ebojfm tufqifo

this two friends have special testimony,
they experienced 3 month in poor eat,
march april may 2010 they in poor eat,
ebojfm from sulawesi, tufqifo jawa tegal,
they different color, two in one room kos,
they are christian, they age about 25 22,
interesting talk with them and they care,
they care to help me solve my problems,
GOD JESUS bless ebojfm tufqifo, amen.

can not open door

yesterday night when i back to kos,
my room door stuck can not open !
friend help but still can not open it,
call house keeper to help opened it,
slot stuck make door can not open.

preach preach preach

today afternoon at taman anggrek mall jakarta,
i goto gramedia book store look nature photos,
someone talk with me while sit look the books,
he is isl but he think critics isl some wrong,
he read budd book, talk to him about the truth,
i preach preach preach preach preach preach ...
JESUS is GOD is SAVIOR is the way to heaven

pray pray pray

GOD please heal ebve sick cough cough,
GOD please heal ebve no cough anymore,
in the name of JESUS: ebve healed! amen!
(ebve neighbor room kos susilo de jakarta,
he is christian big tall 180 cm born 1982)

harbor export import

today afternoon at mall wtc jakarta,
meet talk with someone who said,
that he can help those who want,
export import container at harbor,
can trust him? always be carefull.

cough cough cough

my left neighbor room kos susilo jakarta,
cough cough cough cough cough cough,
i don't know why he cough, maybe sick,
or attack, GOD know, may GOD heal him,
or this a lesson for me to be more strong,
may GOD bless me more strong, amen.

war and peace

yesterday date 2 august 2010 time 23:00 pm night,
happened boxing wrestling outsider vs renter in kos,
everyone shocked get out room look what happened,
two man fight boxing wrestling at ground floor of kos,
i shocked too and get out room look what happened,
i listen the person speak and i listen the second talk,
each person do wrong action that cause happened it,
morning i heard they said two peace by peacemaker.

alone boring live in this world

i am alone feel boring boring,
i am boring live in this world,
i need want live in the heaven,
i think must shall serve GOD,
for this live more meaningful,
GOD help me live meaningful,
in the name of JESUS! amen!

move to new kos

today 1 august 2010 morning 8:00 am,
use bajaj and friend help bring bags up,
i move to new kos susilo grogol jakarta,
price 50 usd per month, larger bed room,
3 x 3 meter, clean fresh water, up floor,
owner of this kos is a catholic christian,
strength signal internet good 5 bar 28/99,
see many move kos today 1 august 2010,
call and buy re-new galon drink water vit,
after move then goto church mega mall,
the word of GOD is trust and obey GOD,
buy 30 pack peanut for breakfast stock,
pay 50 usd to kos keeper for rent room,
eat at warteg, goto taman anggrek mall,
feel alone lonely only can watch others,
think shall serve GOD service in church,
eat at warteg tanjung duren, back to kos,
thanks GOD, bath, dress, internet, diary.