For more, please read the theses on the web of John Wong's University of Biblical Prophecy Science,
The general form of God's Jubilee Creation Formula is BC=5131x50^(8-n) -m, where `BC' is the year reckoned before Christ (B.C.). `n' is the Day of God's creation and `m' is the end year of God's Millennial Kingdom reckoned in A.D. (Anno Domini). If the end of Millennial Kingdom is in A.D.3054:
For n=1, BC=5,131x50^(8-1) -3054, BC=4,008,593,749,996,946. God created light in 4,008,593,749,996,
946 B.C. The duration of 1st Day of God's Creation is 256,550x50x50x50x50x50x50=4,008,593,750,000,
000 years.
For n=2, BC=5,131x50^(8-2) -3054, BC=80,171,874,996,946. God created firmament in 80,171,874,996,
946 B.C. The duration of 2nd Day of God's Creation is 256,550x50x50x50x50x50=80,171,875,000,000 years.
For n=3, BC=5,131x50^(8-3) -3054, BC=1,603,437,496,946. God created land, sea and plant in 1,603,437,
496,946 B.C. The duration of 3rd Day of God's Creation is 256,550x50x50x50x50=1,603,437,500,000 years.
For n=4, BC=5,131x50^(8-4) -3054, BC=32,068,746,946. God created the sun, moon and stars in 32,068,
746,946 B.C. The duration of 4th Day of God's Creation is 256,550x50x50x50=32,068,750,000 years.
For n=5, BC=5,131x50^(8-5) -3054, BC=641,371,946. God created water creature and fowl in 641,371,946 B.C. The duration of 5th Day of God's Creation is 256,550x50x50=641,375,000 years.
For n=6, BC=5,131x50^(8-6) -3054, BC=12,824,446. God created creeping thing and beast in 12,824,446 B.C. The duration of 6th Day of God's Creation is 256,550x50=12,827,500 years.
For n=7, BC=5,131x50^(8-7) -3054, BC=253,496. God created modern wise man, Adam, and his wife Eve in 253,496 B.C..The duration of human beings is 256,550 years.