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FGBMFI hari senin Jakarta Indonesia

FGBMFI hari senin Jakarta Indonesia

FGBMFI = Full Gospel Business Men Fellowship International



FGBMFI Chapter " Happy Kota " Sunter

tiap Senin jam 12 siang Makan bersama

Restoran Fajar Danau Sunter Selatan 37

PC : Hendra Lesmana & VPC : Barri Wang

acara ini khusus untuk Cowok Pria Lelaki


FGBMFI Chapter " Glow Tower " Seasons

tiap Senin jam 19 malam Makan bersama

Restoran Royal Jade dekat Mall Seasons

President Chapter : Apeng & VPC : Denny

acara ini khusus untuk Cowok Pria Lelaki


jakarta season restoran royal jade jam 19 makan bersama tiap hari senin selasa kamis jumat ada acara full gospel chapter2 lain2

doa supaya sembuh dari mencret

29 okt 2017 jam 15 ~ 16 mencret mencret mencret jakarta indonesia !!!

tolong doa TUHAN YESUS sembuhkan aku sehat tidak mencret amin !!!

KKR HUT 58 HKBP Menteng Lama

KKR Ibadah Ucapan Syukur HUT ke 58 Tahun
HKBP Menteng Lama (1 November 1959-2017)

1 November 2017
Jam 19:00 WIB

Gereja HKBP Menteng Lama
Jl. Edy No.1 (Jl. Halimun) Guntur
Kec. Setiabudi, Jaksel, Indonesia

Pdt. Ridwan Hutabarat

Kontak Informasi :
St. Ronald Panggabean
+62 812-8423-4864

lomba lari marathon jakarta indonesia 29 oktober 2017

lomba lari marathon jakarta indonesia 29 oktober 2017

harus bijak bicara

harus bijak bicara

tanggal 28 oktober 2017 jam 21 di dunia ada sekelompok anak2 muda mudi umur 20 an kumpul bersama bicara masalah pribadi !!!

anak2 muda mudi bicara dengan suara besar kedengaran ke orang2 lain di tempat umum !!!

anak2 muda mudi bicara dengan suara besar juga kedengaran ke malaikat 777 di surga !!!

TUHAN utus malaikat 777 dari surga ke dunia untuk menolong manusia selamat ke surga !!!

malaikat 777 datang perlihatkan diri duduk bersama kelompok anak2 muda mudi itu !!!

anak2 muda mudi yang lagi bicara tiba2 menjadi kaget diam lihat malaikat 777 !!!

malaikat 777 bicara nasehati : jadi manusia harus bijak bicara !!! masalah pribadi jangan bicara dengan suara besar kedengaran ke semua orang2 lain !!! masalah pribadi harus bicara dengan suara kecil supaya tidak kedengaran ke orang2 lain !!! mengerti ???

akhirnya anak2 muda mudi bicara masalah pribadi dengan suara kecil tidak suara besar !!!

malaikat 777 terbang kembali ke surga zzz !!! hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha HALELUYA !!!

Christie Damayanti Soeharto

Christie Damayanti Soeharto

28 oktober 2017 jam 17 indonesia jakarta central park mall saya lihat pameran ada foto2 tokoh2 dunia dll dan ada tulisan2 surat2 kepada Christie dan ternyata yang adakan pameran adalah Christie maka saya cari info siapa Christie dan dari internet menemukan info mengenai Christie :

Christie Damayanti Soeharto : just a stroke survivor & cancer survivor, architect, 'urban and city planner', author, traveller, motivator, philatelist, also as Jesus's belonging.




hati2 bicara waspada !!!

28 oktober 2017 jam 8:45 mall taman anggrek cleaning service Pak Fikri Gunawan kata " kamu belum mandi ya " menyinggung perasaan saya !

saya nasehati Pak Fikri Gunawan : hati2 bicara ! jangan sembarangan bicara ! jangan seperti orang kurang pendidikan bicara kurang sopan ! jangan seperti anak kecil bicara asal ceplos ! tidak boleh kata begitu menyinggung perasaan !

saya tanya petugas2 cleaning service mta : siapa nama orang yang bersihkan kaca badan pendek gemuk rambut tipis botak itu siapa ??? mereka kata namanya Pak Fikri Gunawan !

saya juga kasih tahu beberapa teman2nya mengenai Pak Fikri Gunawan kata2 kasar tidak sopan tidak baik menyinggung perasaan orang , menghina orang , merendahkan orang , pikir negatif terhadap orang , menilai orang dari penampilan luar , tidak baik kata begitu , tidak boleh kata begitu ! saya pakaian sama terus bukan berarti belum mandi , dia salah pikir mengenai saya , dia salah kata2 menyinggung perasaan orang , lagian saya dan dia tidak saling kenal , dia tidak boleh bicara begitu , dia kata2 menusuk begitu menunjukkan dia kurang pendidikan , dia tidak pakai otak bicara menyinggung perasaan orang , tidak baik kata begitu , tidak boleh kata begitu ! teman2nya kata akan tegur nasehati Pak Fikri Gunawan !


Minggu 29 Oktober 2017
Jam 8:30 & 11:00 & 17:00
Ibadah Perdana Baru Buka

GBI Glow FC Pluit
Pluit Junction Lt.5
Jakarta Indonesia


27 Okt 2017
Jam 18:30

Ibadah Pemulihan

GBI Glow FC Pluit
Pluit Junction Lt.5

Jakarta Indonesia
Acara ini Gratis

Philip Mantofa schedules

Philip Mantofa schedules :

28 October 2017
3.30pm GMT+7
KKR Eaglekidz
Gereja Mawar Sharon
Sibec Convention Hall - ITC Lt. TR
Jl. Gembong 20-30 Surabaya
Ph. +6231 - 60007000


17 - 18 November 2017
7pm GMT+8
GOR Ngurah Rai
Jl. Melati 64
Denpasar - Bali
Ph. +62821 4741 5000


24 - 25 November 2017
Bukit Doa Immanuel
Jl. Raya Junggo
Desa Sukolilo, Prigen - Tretes
Ph. +6231 - 5344 424
Registration :




tolong doakan

tolong doakan saya

saya marah2 bicara teriak keluarkan suara terlalu keras waktu masalah pintu toilet harus diperbaiki jakarta 26 oktober 2017 jam 19

tolong doakan susan

susan marah2 bicara tidak keluarkan suara waktu acara ibadah forerunners taman anggrek 7 jakarta 26 oktober 2017 jam 11 ~ jam 13


Come and Join Us
KKR CG Pro-M Karawaci
Thursday 26 Oct 2017 Time 19:00
Heartline Centre 4th floor Lippo Karawaci

Email Qahal Family

kepada Yth
Ibu Bambang
ibadah hari rabu
malaka selatan 27 jakarta

shalom dengan kasih dan hormat

kami dari group orang2 miskin ( jumlah sekitar 50 orang2 miskin ) pendapat : mengenai ibadah hari rabu jam 1 siang sampai jam 3 sore itu waktu yang tepat cocok bagus , kami harap ibadah tetap hari rabu , jangan pindah ke hari selasa karena hari selasa banyak ibadah2 di tempat2 lain , tapi kalau harus pindah hari maka bisa pindah ke hari senin karena hari senin siang sampai sore kosong , silakan klik link ini lihat daftar jadwal ibadah2 kami :

Qahal Family Ministry

Qahal Family Ministry
Gereja Api Roh Kudus
Pdt Ibu Bambang 70th?

jakarta 25 oktober 2017
jl roa malaka selatan 27
tiap rabu jam 13 ~ jam 15

ibadah selesai kasih kotak makan nasi telur dll
+ uang transport = hadir 4 x 10000 rp per bulan
datang 100 orang2 miskin tua muda pria wanita



Jumat 27 Oktober 2017
Jam 12:00 ~ Jam 13:30
Gedung Yamari lantai 2
Jl Garuda No. 31 M
Kemayoran Jakarta

Pembicara :
Pdt Andreas Abdianto
Ketua Umum YAMARI

Informasi :
Yamari telepon 0214216711
Pdt Maria Novi Kurniawan
whatsapp +6283897869738

YAMARI (Yayasan Marturia Indonesia ) adalah sebuah yayasan Kristen interdenominasi dan non profit yang melayani berbagai bidang pekabaran Injil dan pembinaan iman. Visi dan Misi YAMARI adalah memenuhi Amanat Agung Tuhan Yesus untuk melaksanakan panggilan pelayanan kesaksian (Marturia) kepada seluruh umat manusia di dunia dalam arti yang seluas-luasnya (Matius 28:19-20; Markus 16:15; Kisah Para Rasul 1:8).

drama musikal : " Aku & Duniaku "

ayo beli tiket dan datang lihat anak2 cacat
main drama musikal : " Aku & Duniaku "

sabtu 11 november 2017 jam 14 & jam 18
di balai sarbini plaza semanggi jakarta

mau beli tiket bisa langsung whatsapp :

Budi     081283830858   Ervina 082110613213
Christa 089639633236   Ranto 085211053679
Christy 081289899682   Grace 085887190780

Tolong share informasi ini ke Teman2

Terima Kasih TUHAN YESUS Berkati


Gereja Bethel Tabernakel Jemaat Immanuel
Pasar Baru Timur No.25 Jakarta Indonesia
KASIH Vijay KASIH Saya 24 Oktober 2017



Kami mengundang Bapak2 Ibu2
Saudara2 Saudari2 yang Terkasih
untuk datang Ibadah dan Ucapan
Syukur HUT PD Gloria 11 TAHUN

Sabtu : 28 Oktober 2017
Waktu : 18:00 ~ selesai
Tempat : Taman Kebon Jeruk
Blok C1/10 Intercon Jakarta
Pembicara : Pdt. Yani Alifen

Banyak doorprize untuk yang hadir
Kehadirannya sangat kami nantikan
Terima Kasih TUHAN YESUS Berkati




tempat : Sentul International Convention Center

tanggal : 24 Oktober 2017

jam : 13:00 - 18:00 WIB

Special Guest Singer Joy Tobing
MC - Tika & Yosi "Project Pop"
Kuliah umum oleh kepala UKP-PIP
Yudi Latif MA.,Ph.D

Dimeriahkan oleh 350 Dancer & Choir
dari sabang sampai merauke yang
dilatih oleh COP Celebration of Praise !!!

Tiket "GRATIS" !!!

So please come and join us guys🏻
and will be Glad to see you there !!!

film hari ini

23 okt 2017 jam 19:00 GLOBAL TV : film " Men In Black " ( Tommy Lee Jones, Will Smith )

23 okt 2017 jam 21:00 GLOBAL TV : film " 14 Blades " ( Donnie Yen , Wei Zhao , Chun Wu )

Game : " Dynasty Legends - Legacy of King "

Game : " Dynasty Legends - Legacy of King "

Ifan & Julia

Ifan & Julia
23 okt 2017







bisnis ecommerce pinopi

bisnis ecommerce pinopi

mau tahu ? mau ikut ?

langsung whatsapp

Jonathan Widjaja



sabar atasi masalah !!!

sabar atasi masalah !!!

ada orang2 tertentu kurang sabar emosi tinggi cepat marah !!!

baru masuk toilet 1 menit lalu orang teriak " masih lamaaa ??? "

adil = teriak balas teriak : " tunggu sebentarrrrr !!! sabarrrrr !!! "

keluar toilet lihat orang itu pergi tidak tahan dengar nasehat !!!

hahaha HALELUYA !!!

alarm hikmat bijak !!!

alarm hikmat bijak !!!

ada orang2 tertentu bicara suara keras brisik ganggu orang2 lain !!!

solusi terbaik untuk mengatasi orang2 yang brisik adalah alarm !!!

setting alarm waker handphone pada waktu2 tertentu bunyi alarm !!!

adil = bunyi balas bunyi !!! orang2 brisik pergi setelah bunyi alarm !!!

hahaha HALELUYA !!!

Ajakan Perayaan 500 Tahun Reformasi

Ajakan Perayaan 500 Tahun Reformasi

Persekutuan Gereja-gereja di Indonesia (PGI) dan Konferensi Waligereja Indonesia (KWI) mengajak Pimpinan Sinode Gereja Anggota PGI, Pimpinan PGIW/SAG, Pengurus POUK dan BP POUK serta Pimpinan STT-STT Anggota PERSETIA dan Gereja-Gereja untuk merayakan 500 Tahun Reformasi tanggal 31 Oktober 2017.

GOD will give food & drink to Christians

GOD will give food & drink to Christians for live in the time of antichrist tribulation !!!

GKK Peringatan 500 Tahun Reformasi Gereja

GKK Peringatan 500 Tahun Reformasi Gereja
Doa Semalaman " From Grace to Glory "

Jumat-Sabtu 27-28 Oktober 2017
Jam 21:00 - Jam 06:00

Gereja Kristus Ketapang GKK Pusat
Jalan Zainal Arifin Jakarta Indonesia

Hanya dibuka untuk 120 peserta
Pendaftaran : 081944302504


Kebaktian Perayaan HUT Ke – 25 Usindah G.K.K. akan diadakan pada :
W A K T U : PUKUL 10.00
Bapak/Ibu yang berusia di atas 55 tahun diundang untuk menghadiri Perayaan HUT Usindah ini.


*** UNDANGAN ***

Marilah datang dan bergabung dalam BRIDE OF CHRIST FELLOWSHIP bersama Ps. Yohanes E.Christianto pada

Hari Jumat, 20 Oktober 2017
Pukul 18.30 - 21.00 WIB
Bertempat di Terminal 7, APL Tower Lt. 27
Central Park , Jl. S Parman Kav 28
Jakarta Barat.

Persiapkan diri Saudara dan seisi rumah Saudara.

Tempat sangat terbatas. GRATIS !
Terbuka untuk seluruh gereja Tuhan.

Daftarkan diri Anda sekarang juga !
Registrasi peserta hubungi : HSMI via WA only  -  0878 0981 1777.

jadwal ibadah gereja2 jakarta indonesia

jadwal ibadah gereja2 jakarta indonesia :

tanggal 21 oktober 2017 sabtu jam 12 hut d-seniors gereja gbi city tower lantai 3 jakarta indonesia !!!

tanggal 24 oktober 2017 selasa jam 10 gereja gbi grogol bank cimb lantai 5 indosiar jakarta indonesia !!!

tanggal 31 oktober 2017 selasa jam 14 gereja gbi honda lantai 5 indosiar jakarta indonesia !!!



Delvino Bisnis in4link

Teman2 yang mau ikut Bisnis Tabungan in4link dengan penghasilan banyak atau ingin tanya2 bisa langsung whatsapp :



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hari itu selasa ada persekutuan immanuel ministry Pdt Andreas Melkisedek di robinson jam 10:30 . sebelum ibadah . jam 8~10 jalan kaki 30 menit ke teluk gong beli baterai hp dan cas hp . jalan kaki 30 menit dari teluk gong ke robinson . mandi di robinson . ibadah di robinson jembatan 2 latumenten jakarta indonesia .

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Chinese Cantonese People 廣府人

Chinese Cantonese People 廣府人

Notable Cantonese People :

Historical :

Liu Yan, king of Nanhai and first emperor of the Yue/Han kingdom between 917–971 .

Yuan Chonghuan, Ming dynasty general and patriot famed for defeating Qing dynasty rulers and founder Nurchaci and Hong Taiji .

Liang Daoming, king of Palembang during the Ming dynasty.

Chow Ah Chi, a Toi San Cantonese was Sir Raffles ship’s carpenter .

Liu Chang, the last emperor of the Southern Han Kingdom .

Mạc Cửu, ruler of Hà Tiên in the 18th century .

Luo Sen, interpreter that assisted translations for American Commodore Mathew Perry in opening up Japan .

Sun Yat-sen, born in Zhongshan, Guangdong, Chinese revolutionary and founder of the Republic of China .

Deng Shichang, admiral and one of the first modern naval officers in China in the late Qing dynasty .

Tse Tsan-tai, early Chinese revolutionary of the late Qing Dynasty .

Kang Youwei was a Chinese scholar, noted calligrapher and prominent political thinker and reformer of the late Qing dynasty .

Liang Qichao was a Chinese scholar, journalist, philosopher, and reformist who lived during the Qing dynasty and Republic of China .

Sun Ke,born in Xiangshan (now Zhongshan), Guangdong. Premier of the Republic of China, 1932, 1948-1949 .

Henry Lee Hau Shik, first Finance Minister of the Federation of Malaya and the only major leader of the independence movement not born in Malaya .

Jiang Guangnai, general and statesman in the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China who successfully defended Shanghai City from the Japanese invasion in the January 28 Incident of 1932 .

Martial artists :

Wong Fei-hung, martial artist in the Qing dynasty .

Yip Man, martial artist and teacher of Bruce Lee .

Chan Heung, founder of Choy Li Fut .

Donnie Yen, martial artist and actor, one of the highest paid action Asian star .

Bruce Lee, one of the most influential martial artist famous actor of Asian descent of all time .

Entertainers :

Anna May Wong, the first Chinese-American and Asian female international movie star .

Hu Die, famous Chinese actress during the 1920s–30s .

James Wong Howe, leading Hollywood cinematographer in the 1930s–40s and ten-time Academy Award nominee .

Lai Man-Wai, the father of Hong Kong cinema .

Stephen Chow, His grandfather is from Ningbo but his mother is Cantonese. He is actor and film director known for the comedy blockbusters Shaolin Soccer and Kung Fu Hustle .

John Woo, influential film director .

Tony Leung Chiu-wai, award-winning actor known for his collaborations with Wong Kar-wai, including In The Mood For Love .

Andy Lau, one of Hong Kong's most commercially successful singers and actors since the mid-1980s .

Gigi Lai, actress and Cantopop singer .

Aaron Kwok, dancer and singer since the early 1990s .

Amy Kwok, actress and Miss Hong Kong 1991 .

Eason Chan, well-known Cantopop singer .

Rainie Yang, Taiwanese singer .

Vivian Chow, Cantopop singer and actress .

Fish Leong, Malaysian-Chinese singer .

Kris Wu, Chinese-Canadian actor and singer.

Jackson Wang, singer .

Louis Koo, Hong Kong actor .

Tony Leung Ka Fai, Hong Kong actor .

Cheung Ka Fai, Hong Kong actor .

Leo Ku, Hong Kong singer .

Rui En, famous Singaporean actress .

Liang Wern Fook, one of the pioneer figures in Singaporean Chinese folk songs .

Yuen Woo-ping, renowned as one of the most successful and influential figures in the world of Hong Kong action cinema .

Sinn Sing Hoi, one of the earliest generation of Chinese composers .

Chris Cheong, an international mentalist and illusionist .

Terence Cao, Singaporean actor .

Mark Chen, renowned Singaporean composer .

Kelly Poon, Singaporean singer .

Awkwafina, her mother is South Korean .

American rapper, comedian, television personality, television host .

Jeff Chan, Asian American tenor saxophonist and composer .

Zen Chong, Malaysian actor and won supporting acting in 2009 .

Michael Paul Chan, is an American television and film actor .

Laura Ling, American journalist and writer. Correspondent and vice president of its Vanguard Journalism Unit .

Lisa Ling, American journalist, television presenter, special correspondent for The Oprah Winfrey Show .

Sam Tsui, American singer/songwriter and video producer. Internet celebrity with 2.8 million subscribers on YouTube .

Wong brothers, three ethnic Chinese film directors, the pioneers of the Indonesian movie industry .

Lo Lieh, famous Hong Kong action star .

Lü Wencheng, master of Cantonese music and Guangdong folk music .

Opera Singer :

Warren Mok, A operatic tenor who has performed many leading roles since his European debut in 1987 .

Hung Sin-nui, Master of Chinese and Cantonese opera .

Politicians :

Tang Shaoyi, prime minister of the Republic of China and also the first Marxism disseminator in South China .

Donald Tsang, chief executive of Hong Kong .

Edmund Ho Hau Wah, chief executive of Macau .

Fernando Chui, chief executive of Macau .

Wu Tingfang, China's foreign minister during the Qing dynasty .

Wen Tsung-yao, politician and diplomat in the Qing dynasty and Republic of China .

Kang Tongbi (康同璧) was the daughter of Kang Youwei, a Chinese reformer and political figure of the late Qing dynasty and early Republican era .

Hiram Fong, the first Asian-American and Chinese to be elected as Republican United States Senator and nominated for presidency of the United States .

John So, the first Lord Mayor of Melbourne to be directly elected by the people in 2006, and the first mayor of Asian descent .

Norman Kwong, the 16th Lieutenant Governor of Alberta, Canada .

Gary Locke, first governor of a state in the Continental United States of Asian descent; the only Chinese American ever to serve as a governor .

Judy Chu, first Chinese-American woman to be elected to the United States Congress .

Julius Chan, Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea from 1980 to 1982, and from 1994 to 1997 .

Lee Siew Choh, politician and medical doctor. Singapore's first Non-Constituency Member of Parliament (NCMP) .

Tan Sri Datuk Amar Stephen Kalong Ningkan was the first Chief Minister of Sarawak .

Víctor Joy Way was the Prime Minister of Peru from January 1999 until December 1999 .

José Antonio Chang Escobedo was the Prime Minister of Peru and second Chinese–Peruvian Prime Minister, the first being Víctor Joy Way .

Peter Chin, lawyer and 56th Dunedin, New Zealand mayor .

John Yap, Canadian politician .

Meng Foon, mayor of Gisborne, New Zealand .

Alan Lowe, architect, former mayor of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada .

Ida Chong, accountant, former municipal councilor of Saanich, British Columbia, former cabinet minister/Member of Legislative Assembly of British Columbia, Canada .

Yeoh Ghim Seng, Speaker of the Parliament of Singapore from 1970 to 1989 .

Chang Apana, inspirational detective with an influential law enforcement career .

Kin W. Moy American diplomat and the first ethnic Chinese to be director of the American Institute in Taiwan .

Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor, GBM, GBS (Chinese: 林鄭月娥; born 13 May 1957) is the Chief Executive of Hong Kong .

Debra Wong Yang, first Asian American woman to serve as a United States Attorney .

Chan Heng Chee, Singapore's Minister in Prime Minister's Office, Chief of Army from 2010 to 2011 .

Chan Sek Keong, third Chief Justice of Singapore, Attorney-General of Singapore from 1992 to 2006 .

Chan Kong Choy, Malaysian politician, deputy president and transport minister .

Cheryl Chan, member of the country's governing People's Action Party (PAP) .

Sitoh Yih Pin, Singapore politician member of Parliament (MP) .

Leong Yew Koh, first Governor of Malacca since independence .

Cheong Yoke Choy,famous and well respected philanthropist during the British Malaya era .

Edwin Tong, member of Parliament in Singapore representing the Marine Parade Group Representation Constituency .

Eu Chooi Yip, prominent member of the anti-colonial and Communist movements in Malaya and Singapore .

Ho Peng Kee, Senior Minister of State in the Ministry of Law and the Ministry of Home Affairs .

Jek Yeun Thong, prominent first generation People's Action Party (PAP) politician in Singapore .

Hoo Ah Kay, leader with many high ranking posts in Singapore, honourable consul to Japan, Russia and China .

Kan Ting Chiu, Senior Judge in the Supreme Court .

Ho Yuen Hoe, Nun who received a Public Service Award from the President of Singapore .

Kin W. Moy, American diplomat. He is one of the first Chinese to hold an important position .

Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Dr. George Chan Hong Nam (陈康南; ), was the former Deputy Chief Minister of Sarawak .

Fong Chan Onn, Malaysian politician and a former Minister of Human Resources .

Fong Po Kuan, Malaysian politician from the Democratic Action Party (DAP) .

Loke Siew Fook, Member of the Parliament of Malaysia .

Tan Chee Khoon, major figure in Malaysian politics from 1959 to 1978 .

Lui Tuck Yew, country's Minister for Transport and Second Minister for Defence, Singapore's Chief of Navy from 1999 to 2003 .

António Ng Kuok Cheong is currently a member in the Macau Legislative Assembly and was the founding chairman of the New Democratic Macau Association .

Sportspeople :

Wong Peng Soon, A renowned male badminton player in the latter half of the 20th century .

Patrick Chan, A world champion Chinese-Canadian male figure skater .

Michelle Kwan, Chinese-American female figure skater and five-time world champion .

Yi Jianlian, a 7-foot-tall Chinese basketball player for NBA, Milwaukee Bucks, New Jersey Nets, and Washington Wizards .

Guan Weizhen, female badminton player who won three consecutive women's doubles titles at the BWF World Championships .

Chen Xiaomin Chinese retired weightlifter, in 2000 Sydney Olympics on the women's weightlifting gold medal, also a world and Asian champion .

Shanshan Feng, The first golfer from China to win LPGA major championship and major championship, she was ranked fifth in 2012 Women's World Golf Rankings .

He Chong, Chinese, diver. He is the 2008 Olympic Champion gold medalist in the 3m springboard. He was unbeaten from 2006 – 2016 .

Jiang Jialiang, Table Tennis player, he won medals in Asia and world table tennis tournaments .

Xie Xingfang, Badminton player, she is a two-time world champion women's singles .

Chen Xiexia, She won three golds at the 2007 World Weightlifting Championships. The first gold medal for China in the 2008 Summer Olympics .

Zhang Jiewen, Gold medal in Badminton 2004 Athens .

Lao Lishi, Gold medal in women's 10 meter synchronized platform along with Li Ting .

Su Bingtian, As a sprinter, he is the reigning Asian champion over 100 metres, was a semi-finalist at the 2012 Summer Olympics and a finalist at the 2015 World Championships .

Liang Wen-Chong, Highest ranked golfer from the People's Republic of China, the only Chinese golfer to have reached the top 100 of the Official World Golf Ranking .

Zeng Qiliang, the first medal of Chinese male swimmer in world championships .

Brian Ah Yat, a former American football quarterback who played three seasons with the Winnipeg Blue Bombers of the Canadian Football League .

Harland Ah You, is a former gridiron football defensive lineman who played 10 games with the Calgary Stampeders of the Canadian Football League in 1998 .

Junior Ah You, former college and professional Canadian and American football player who played primarily at the defensive end position
Lindswell Kwok, six times world champion of Wushi .

Brian Ah Yat, former American football quarterbac .

Harland Ah You, is a former gridiron football defensive lineman who played 10 games with the Calgary Stampeders of the Canadian Football League in 1998 .

Junior Ah You, Hall of Fame and Top 50 players of the league's modern era by Canadian sports network TSN .

Keanu Asing (urfer who competes in the World Surf League and debuted on the World Championship Tour of the 2015 World Surf League .

Josiah Ng, Josiah was the first Malaysian to make it into the cycling Olympic finals becoming a three-time Olympian .

Businesspeople :

Raymond, Thomas, and Walter Kwok, brothers whose property business makes them the fourth richest in Hong Kong .

Stanley Ho, Hong Kong and Macanese business magnate .

Lui Che-woo, real estate and hospitality magnate, Hong Kong billionaire, once the 2nd richest man in Asia .

Cheng Yu-tung, Hong Kong billionaire .

Tang Yiu Hong Kong billionaire businessman, founder of shoe and sportswear retailer Belle International .

Mei Quong Tart, rich nineteenth-century merchant .

Charles Sew Hoy, merchant and gold-dredging pioneer .

Loke Yew, philanthropist and was once the richest man in British Malaysia .

Yaw Teck Seng was founded of Sarawak timber group, Samling .

Chin Gee Hee, merchant and railway entrepreneur .

Lee Shau-kee, Once the 4th richest man in world, real estate tycoon and owner of Henderson Land Development .

Steven Lo, businessman and football team manager .

He Jingtang, a prominent Chinese architect for Olympic 2008 .

Jimmy Lai, founder of Giordano .

Ho Ching, First Lady of Singapore .

He Xiangjian is the co-founder of Midea, one of China's largest appliance makers .

Zhang Zhidong, a Chinese businessman, co-founder, former CTO and second-largest individual shareholder of Tencent, a Chinese internet company .

Yang Huiyan, the majority shareholder (55%) of Country Garden Holdings .

Lawrence Ho, Hong Kong businessman, chairman and CEO of Melco International, the chairman and CEO of Melco Crown Entertainment .

Ah Ken, a Chinese American businessman and popular figure in Chinatown, Manhattan
Dennis Fong, Fong is recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as the first professional gamer .

Peter Tham , A former Singaporean stockbroker and the director of Pan-Electric Industries and now a wanted criminal .

Loke Wan Tho, He was the founder of Cathay Organisation in Singapore and Malaysia .

Eu Tong Sen, leading businessman in Malaya, Singapore and Hong Kong during the late 19th and early 20th century .

Ah Ken, Chinese American businessman and popular figure in Chinatown, Manhattan during the mid-to late 19th century .

Kathy Chan, Chinese-American entrepreneur and investor .

Wesley Chan, early product innovator at Google Inc., best known for founding and launching Google Analytics and Google Voice .

Academics :

Flossie Wong-Staal, a virologist and molecular biologist; the first scientist to clone HIV and determine the function of its genes in 1985 In 2007.The Daily Telegraph heralded Dr. Wong-Staal as #32 of the "Top 100 Living Geniuses."

Chu Ching-wu, physicist and one of the first scientists to demonstrate high-temperature superconductivity, in 1987 .

Choh Hao Li, Chinese-American biochemist and first scientist to synthesise human growth hormone in 1970 .

Wu Ta-You, the "father of Chinese physics" .

Wu Lien-teh, physician and Nobel prize nominee .

Vivian Wing-Wah Yam, chemist known for her work on light-emitting materials and solar energy .

Albert Chan, professor of chemistry and traditional Chinese medicine .

Liang Sili, rocket and missile control system scientist .

Nancy Ip – member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the World Academy of Sciences .

Albert Chan (professor) – a Hong Kong professor of chemistry and traditional Chinese medicine .

Liang Sili – Chief Designer of inertial guidance platforms for Chinese ballistic missiles .

Mr Wong – Chinese Academy of Engineering academician, general surgery specialist .

Li Shaozhen – improve cataract surgery quality in the introduction of technology and innovation .


Chinese Teochew People 潮州人

Chinese Teochew People 潮州人

Notable Teochew People :

Entrepreneurs Mainland China :
Huang Guangyu, founder and chairman of GOME Group .
Ma Huateng, GM of Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd and creator of QQ .
Lin Shouzhi, rubber merchant .

Entrepreneurs Hong Kong :
Charles Heung, actor-turned-film producer and presenter .
Li Ka-shing, founder and chairman of Cheung Kong Holdings .
Lim Por-yen, founder of Lai Sun Group, media tycoon, banker .
Albert Yeung, founder and chairman of Emperor Group .
Joseph Lau, founder, chairman and CEO of Chinese Estates Group .
Vincent Lo, founder and chairman of Shui On Group .

Entrepreneurs Thailand :
Low Kiok Chiang, founder of Khiam Hoa Heng entreprises .
Chin Sophonpanich, founder of Bangkok Bank .
Dhanin Chearavanont (Thai: ธนินท์ เจียรวนนท์; 謝國民/谢国民; Xie Guomin; Zia Gokmi) (1939–; Chenghai, Guangdong), CEO of Charoen Pokphand .
Prachai Leophai-ratana, founder and former CEO of Thai Petrochemical Industry (TPI) and TPI Polene .
Chatri Sophonpanich, CEO of Bangkok Bank .
Krit Ratanarak, CEO of Siam City Cement Public Company Limited and Bank of Ayudhya Public Company Limited .

Entrepreneurs Singapore :
Lien Ying Chow, founder and CEO of Overseas Union Bank .
Tang Choon Keng, founder of Tangs .
Lim Nee Soon (林義順; Lin Yishun) (1879–1936; Shantou, Guangdong) .
Seah Eu Chin , trader and businessmen .
Tan Sri William Cheng, chairman of Lion Group and Parkson Retail Group .

Film Directors Mainland China :
Zheng Zhengqiu .
Cai Chusheng .

Film Directors Hong Kong :
Ringo Lam .
Herman Yau .

Film Directors Singapore :
Ken Kwek .
Thomas Lim (playwright and director) .

Arts and Academics Mainland China :
Da-Wen Sun, authority in food engineering education and research .
Xu Dishan, philosopher .
Hong Zicheng, literary scholar .
Chen Pingyuan, literary scholar .

Arts and Academics Hong Kong :
Tchan Fou-li, photographer .
Zhao Tingyang, scholar of philosophy .
Jao Tsung-I, poet, calligrapher and painter .

Arts and Academics Canada :
Vincent Lam, novelist .

Arts and Academics United States :
Wena Poon, novelist .

Arts and Academics Singapore :
Choo Hoey, musician and conductor .
Chen Chong Swee, painter, educator, writer and critic .
Chua Lam, columnist, food critic, and movie producer .

Politicians Canada :
Alice Wong (黄陳小萍), Minister of State for Seniors; the first Chinese-Canadian woman sitting in Cabinet .

Politicians Singapore :
Tan Soo Khoon (1949–; Chaozhou, Guangdong; born in Singapore), former Speaker of the Parliament of Singapore .
Lee Boon Yang, former Minister for Information, Communications and the Arts .
Teo Chee Hean, Deputy Prime Minister .
Low Thia Khiang, Secretary-General, Workers’ Party, Member of Parliament for Aljunied .
Lim Swee Say, Cabinet Minister in Prime Minister's Office .
Lim Boon Heng, former Cabinet Minister .
Baey Yam Keng, Member of Parliament, Tampines .
Seng Han Thong, Member of Parliament, Yio Chu Kang .
George Yeo, former Minister for Foreign Affairs (Singapore) .
Teo Ser Luck, Senior Parliamentary Secretary for the Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports and Ministry of Transport .
Chiam See Tong, prominent Opposition Member of Parliament .

Politicians Thailand :
Banharn Silpa-archa, 21st Prime Minister of Thailand .
Chamlong Srimuang, former Deputy Prime Minister and Governor of Bangkok .
Pridi Banomyong, 7th Prime Minister of Thailand .
Taksin the Great, the first and only monarch of Thonburi kingdom .

Politicians Malaysia :
Chua Jui Meng, former Minister of Health .
Chua Soi Lek, former Minister of Health .
Chua Tee Yong, Member of Parliament .

Sportspeople Mainland China :
Guo Weiyang (1988–; Shantou, Guangdong; born in Yuxi, Yunnan), gymnast, gold medalist at the 2012 Summer Olympics .
Liao Lisheng (1993–; Jiexi, Guangdong), footballer, Chinese international team player
Lin Yue (1991–; Chaozhou, Guangdong), diver, gold medalist at the 2008 and 2016 Summer Olympics .
Sun Shuwei (1976–; Jieyang, Guangdong), diver, gold medalist at the 1992 Summer Olympics .
Zhang Yanquan (1994–; Chaozhou, Guangdong), diver, gold medalist at the 2012 Summer Olympics .

Sportspeople United States :
Michael Chang (1972–; Chaozhou, Guangdong; born in the United States), former professional tennis player .

Sportspeople Singapore :
Tan Howe Liang (1933–; Shantou, Guangdong), the first Singaporean Olympic individual silver medalist .

Entertainers Mainland China :
He Meitian, actress .
Chen Chusheng, Hainan), singer .
Chrissie Chau, actress and model .

Entertainers Hong Kong :
Canti Lau, actor and singer .
Damian Lau, film and television actor, executive producer and film director .
Sammul Chan, actor, singer .
Emil Chau, actor and singer .
Matthew Ko, model .
Kwong Wa, actor and singer .
Miriam Yeung, actress and singer .
Sammi Cheng, actress and singer .
Ada Choi, actress .
Steven Ma, actor and singer .
Stephen Wong Cheung-Hing, actor .

Entertainers Singapore :
Zoe Tay, actress .
Chen Shucheng, actor .
Chen Liping, actress .
Huang Wenyong,actor .
Celest Chong, singer and actress .
Stefanie Sun, singer .

Entertainers South Korea :
Moon Lau, actress .
Jang Yong, actor .

Entertainers United Kingdom :
Jessica Henwick, actress .

Chinese Hokkien People 福建儂

Chinese Hokkien People 福建儂 Hok-Kiàn-Lâng

Hokkien = Hoklo = Fukien = Fokien = Banlam = Minnan

Notable Hokkien Persons :

Scientists and Mathematicians :

Su Song, a brilliant scientist, mathematician, astronomer, inventor and mechanical engineer that lived during the Song Dynasty, who invented the first hydro-mechanicalastronomical clock and endless power chain drive in the world.

Baosheng Dadi, Song Dynasty doctor who was credited with performing medical miracles.

Cai Qirui, father of Chinese catalytic chemistry.

Lu Jiaxi, a child prodigy genius who finished elementary school in one year, enrolled in a university before even reaching 13 years old and obtained a chemistry degree at just age 18/19. He served as President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Go Pek Hok, the inventor of instant noodles.

Xie Xide, physicist who made important contributions to the field of solid-state physics. She also served as president of the Fudan University.

Leon O. Chua, inventor of the Chua's circuit.

Yuan T. Lee, received the Nobel prize in Chemistry for his outstanding contribution to Chemistry.

Zhijian James Chen, biomedist best known for using classical biochemistry to discover new pathways and mechanisms in innate immunity and cell signaling such as Mitochondrial antiviral-signaling protein.

Richard Yeo - Chinese American scientist with 17 US patents.

Lorenzo Ruiz, first Filipino saint.

Fang Zhouzi, a postdoctoral researcher in molecular genetics, he obtained his Ph.D. in biochemistry in 1995. Aside from being a scientific researcher, he is also a science writer, a reporter and is famous for campaigning against pseudoscience and various types of fraud in China.

Pua Khein-Seng, one of the inventors of the USB flash drive.

March Tian Boedihardjo, child genius who finished his A-level exams in Britain at the age of nine years and three months and was conferred a Bachelor of Science in Mathematical Science as well as a Master of Philosophy in Mathematics after successfully completing his programme in 2011 (one year early).

Wesley So, famous chess prodigy, he won the 2015 Bilbao Chess Masters and 2016 Sinquefield Cup.

Businessmen and Entrepreneurs :

Howqua, once the world's richest man in history.

Ong Seok Kim, wealthy entrepreneur that financed China in war and many charities.

Tan Kah Kee, a wealthy rags to riches businessman, also famed for donating large sums of money to build schools in his native homeland Fujian.

Kwek Leng Beng, He is the executive chairman of Hong Leong Group Singapore.

Henry Sy, the richest man in the Philippines (named by Forbes in 2015).

Robert Budi and Michael Bambang Hartono brothers, the richest persons in Indonesia.

Kwik Kian Gie, the Indonesian Coordinating Minister of Economics and Finance (1999–2000).

Mari Elka Pangestu (Phang Hoei Lan), the Minister of Trade of Indonesia (2004-2011).

Loh Boon Siew, also known as “Mr Honda”, was a Penang Hokkien tycoon and the first sole distributor of Honda motorcycles in Malaysia.

Tony Tan, Chinese Filipino entrepreneur and founder, chairman and CEO of the fast food chain Jollibee.

Monarchs and Politicians :

Lý Thái Tổ (birth name :Lý Công Uẩn), Founder of the Lý Dynasty (1009–1225 ) of Vietnam.

Trần Thái Tông (birth name: Trần Cảnh), Founder of the Trần Dynasty (1225–1400) of Vietnam.

Sri Suriyendra, Queen consort of Siam.

Koxinga, first king of the Kingdom of Tungning on the Taiwan Island.

Sergio Osmeña Sr. the fourth president of the Philippines, son of Go Bon Tiao or Pedro Lee Gotiaoco.

Tan Cheng Lock, founder and first president of the Malaysian Chinese Association.

Tun Leong Yew Koh, the first President of Malacca, Malaysia since independence from Britain, and first secretary and co-founder of the Malay Chinese Association.

Goh Keng Swee, former Ministers for Finance, Interior and Defence, Education and Defence.

Lee Kuan Yew, the 1st Prime Minister of Singapore and founding father of modern Singapore.

Dr.Lim Chong Eu former Chief Minister of Penang.

Corazon Aquino, the 11th president of the Philippines whose maiden name Cojuangco derived from her Chinese ancestor named Co Yu Hwan (許玉寰) (later Jose Cojuangco) who migrated to the Philippines from Fujian Province in 1861. In the 1980s she visited their ancestral place in Hongjian village, Xiamen where she was welcomed by the officials and her relatives from Xu or Co Clan.

Chuan Leekpai, the 20th Prime Minister of Thailand

Goh Chok Tong, the 2nd Prime Minister of Singapore.

Ong Teng Cheong, the 5th President of Singapore and former Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore.

Lee Hsien Loong, the 3rd and current Prime Minister of Singapore.

Benigno Aquino III, the fifteenth president of the Philippines, son of Corazon Aquino.

Chen Shui-bian, the 5th President of the Republic of China (Taiwan).

Tsai Ing-wen, the 7th President of the Republic of China.

Militarymen :

Hong Chengchou, Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty general who was promoted to Minister of War and Viceroy of Suliao during the Early Qing Dynasty.

Huang Sian Teh, army general during World War II, he was in charge of the "Tiger Division", which fought in over 100 battles.

John Lie, National Hero of Indonesia.

Philosophers and Writers :

Li Zhi, Ming Dynasty philosopher.

Jose Rizal a writer and one of the national heroes of the Philippines, a descendant of Cue Yi-Lam or Domingo Lamco.

Lin Yutang, one of the most influential writers of his generation, many of his books were bestsellers both in China and the Western world.

Amy Chua, lawyer and author of the international best seller Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother.


Nelson S Teman Baik Batak Kristen

Nelson S Teman Baik Batak Kristen

game : EverBattle - Nonstop Fight

game : EverBattle - Nonstop Fight

hendrik minta uang pinjam uang !!!

26 september 2017 selasa jam 10:30 ~ jam 12:30 ibadah kasih makan oleh immanuel minstry di robinson jakarta indonesia !!! setelah ibadah selesai pulang jalan kaki ke halte busway jembatan 2 lihat hendrik di luar pintu halte busway tunggu orang tolong tap untuk bisa masuk ke dalam halte busway !!! hendrik minta saya tolong tap !!! saya tap bayarin hendrik masuk halte busway !!! saya cerita kepada hendrik bahwa tadi ibadah saya kasih 10000 untuk seorang Pendeta asal aceh yang dulunya seorang ustad kemudian Percaya TUHAN YESUS menjadi Pendeta Kristen !!!

setelah naik busway sampai mall central park lalu hendrik kata mau pinjam uang 20000 dari saya !!! aku langsung emosi marah kata kepada hendrik : " aku bukan tempat untuk minta uang pinjam uang !!! aku tidak suka kamu berteman tujuan untuk minta uang pinjam duit !!! kamu sudah kerja sudah ada penghasilan sudah ada uang !!! kenapa kamu masih suka minta uang pinjam uang ??? jangan minta uang pinjam uang dari orang miskin tidak kerja tidak ada penghasilan tidak ada uang !!! minta uang pinjam uang dari orang kaya !!! " hendrik pergi jauh tidak temu lagi !!! benar abau kata hendrik sering minta uang pinjam uang dari gereja2 !!!

orang2 jujur vs orang2 bijak

orang2 jujur vs orang2 bijak

dari pengalaman hidup aku dapat hikmat pengetahuan pengertian yaitu bahwa hidup di dunia ini tidak boleh terlalu jujur karena terlalu jujur katakan semua apa adanya akan mengakibatkan konflik masalah !!!

ada hal2 tertentu boleh dikatakan yaitu hal2 yang baik !!! ada hal2 tertentu tidak boleh dikatakan yaitu hal2 yang tidak baik !!!

hal2 baik mengenai orang2 dikatakan akan membuat orang2 senang !!! hal2 tidak baik mengenai orang2 dikatakan akan membuat orang2 tidak senang !!!

masalahnya takdir orang2 beda tidak sama !!! ada orang2 tertentu ditakdirkan lahir sebagai orang2 jujur !!! ada orang2 tertentu ditakdirkan lahir sebagai orang2 bijak !!!

orang2 jujur tidak bisa mengubah takdir menjadi orang2 bijak !!! orang2 bijak tidak bisa mengubah takdir menjadi orang2 jujur !!! ada kitab orang2 jujur !!! ada kitab orang2 bijak !!!

orang2 jujur tidak bijak !!! orang2 bijak tidak jujur !!! orang2 jujur tidak suka bohong kata apa adanya !!! orang2 bijak suka bohong kata ada apanya !!! anda orang jujur atau orang bijak ???



Rabu 11 Oktober 2017
Jam 12:00 - 14:00 wib
Dengan alamat DELAPINA HOME
Jln. Boulevard Serpong Ruko 1B

bagi orang2 kaya yang makan terlalu banyak harus puasa tidak makan jam 22 -  jam 14 !!!



Tiap Rabu Jam 12
Ibadah Kasih Makan
Gereja Api Roh Kudus
Jl Roa Malaka Selatan 27
Jakarta Indonesia

bagi orang2 miskin yang makan terlalu sedikit harus datang makan sepuaspuasnya gratis !!!


Jadwal Event

Jadwal Event adalah media website internet yang memiliki tujuan menyebarkan informasi jadwal acara , bazaar , job fair , pameran , seminar , talkshow , workshop , training , pelatihan dan jadwal event lainnya kepada masyarakat luas di semua kota2 Indonesia !!!


******* U N D A N G A N *******


Ps Yohanes E Christianto

Jumat 20 Oktober 2017
Jam 18:30 - 21:00 WIB

APL 27 Central Park
Jakarta Indonesia

Terbuka untuk Seluruh Umat TUHAN
lintas denominasi Gereja2 GRATIS !!!

Daftarkan diri Anda sekarang juga !!!
Registrasi & Konfirmasi Hubungi :

Holy Spirit Ministries Indonesia
HSMI via WA +6287809811777

Acara Terima Kasih Gubernur 2012 - 2017 ( Jokowi - Ahok - Djarot )

Acara Terima Kasih Gubernur 2012 - 2017 ( Jokowi - Ahok - Djarot ) di Lapangan Banteng Jakarta tanggal 14 oktober 2017 jam 15 - jam 24 !!!


Ketua Panitia Acara, Rendy Reinhart saat jumpa pers di Gedung Djoeang Jakarta, Sabtu (7/10/2017) menyebutkan, pihaknya akan menggelar beberapa kegiatan pada acara yang bertema Kaleidoskop dan Terima Kasih Gubernur 2012 - 2017.

"Acara ini akan digelar di Lapangan Banteng pada Sabtu (14/10/2017) jam 15:00 WIB hingga 24:00 WIB, dengan jumlah relawan yang hadir 12.000 orang," katanya.

Dibuka kesempatan untuk mengirimkan Papan Bunga Ucapan Terima Kasih Kepada Gubernur 2012 - 2017 ( Jokowi - Ahok - Djarot ) ditujukan ke Lapangan Banteng Jakarta 2 hari sebelum Acara tanggal 14 oktober 2017 !!!

Undang Teman2 Datang ke Acara Terima Kasih Gubernur 2012 - 2017 ( Jokowi - Ahok - Djarot ) di Lapangan Banteng Jakarta tanggal 14 oktober 2017 jam 15 - jam 24 !!!

Tolong share info ini kasih tahu ke Semua Teman2 dalam negeri dan luar negeri !!!