


Discord is a VoIP communications, instant messaging, digital distribution platform, video conferences, content delivery, and social media. Users communicate with voice calls, video calls, text messaging, media and files in private chats or as part of communities called "servers". A server is a collection of persistent chat rooms and voice chat channels which can be accessed via invite links. Discord runs on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, iPadOS, Linux, and in Web Browsers. As of 2021, the service has over 350 million registered users and over 150 million monthly active users.

Discord Features :
Discord is built to create and manage private and public communities. It gives users access to tools focused around communication services like voice and video calls, persistent chat rooms, and general ability to send direct messages and create personal groups.

1 . Discord Servers ( Groups )
Discord communities ( groups ) are organized into discrete collections of channels called servers. Although they are referred to as servers on the front end, they are called "guilds" in the developer documentation. Users can create many servers for free, manage their public visibility, and create voice channels, text channels, and categories to sort the channels into. Discord server ( group ) can have up to MILLIONS members.

Members can help servers obtain perks in three levels via the "Server Boost" feature, which unlocks higher quality voice channels, more emoji slots, and other perks. Users can buy boosts for servers for $4.99 a month. "Discord Nitro" subscribers get two boosts included in the price of Nitro, and 30% off for additional boosts.

In 2020, Discord unveiled a new feature, known as "Community servers". It includes such features like a custom welcome screen, server insights, and the ability to advertise on Discord's Server Discovery page.

2 . Discord Channels
Channels may be either used for voice chat and streaming or for instant messaging and file sharing. The visibility and access to channels can be customized to limit access from certain users, for example, marking a channel "NSFW" (Not Safe For Work) requires that first-time viewers confirm they are over 18 years old and willing to see such content.

Text channels support some rich text via a subset of the Markdown syntax. Code blocks with language-specific highlighting can also be used.

In August 2021, Discord launched Threads, which are temporary text channels that can be set to automatically disappear. This is meant to help foster more communication within Servers.

3 . Discord Direct messages
Direct messages in Discord allow users to send messages, share files, live stream their screen, and call others privately outside of servers. An added feature in Discord direct messages is the ability to create message groups of up to 10 users. This acts similar to a server's text channel, with the ability to initiate a call simultaneously for all the members in a direct message group.

4 . Discord User profiles
Users register for Discord with an email address and must create a username. To allow multiple users to use the same username, they are assigned a four-digit number called a "discriminator" (colloquially a "Discord tag"), prefixed with "#", which is added to the end of their username.

Discord allows users to connect various external platforms to their account, including Steam, Reddit, Twitch, Twitter, Spotify, Xbox, PlayStation, and more. These accounts can optionally be shown on the user's profile.[citation needed]

Users can assign themselves a profile picture. Subscribers for Discord Nitro, part of Discord's monetization plan, can use animated profile pictures.

In June 2021, Discord added a feature that allows all users to add an about me section to their profile, as well as a custom colored banner at the top of their profile.

Subscribers for Discord Nitro have the added ability to upload a static or animated image as their banner instead of a solid color.

5 . Discord Video calls and streaming
Video calling and screen sharing were added in October 2017, allowing users to create private video calls with up to 10 users, later increased to 50 due to the increased popularity of video calling during the pandemic.

In August 2019, this was expanded with live streaming channels in servers. A user can share their entire screen, or a specific application, and others in that channel can choose to watch the stream. While these features somewhat mimic the livestreaming capabilities of platforms like Twitch, the company does not plan to compete with these services, as these features were made for small groups.

6 . Discord Digital distribution
In August 2018, Discord launched a games storefront beta, allowing users to purchase a curated set of games through the service. This will include a "First on Discord" featured set of games that their developers attest to Discord's help in getting launched, giving these games 90 days of exclusivity on the Discord marketplace. Discord Nitro subscribers will also gain access to a rotating set of games as part of their subscription, with the price of Nitro being bumped from $4.99 to $9.99 a month. A cheaper service called 'Nitro Classic' was also released that has the same perks as Nitro but does not include free games.

Following the launch of the Epic Games Store, which challenged Valve's Steam storefront by only taking a 12% cut of game revenue, Discord announced in December 2018 that it would reduce its own revenue cut to 10%.

To further support developers, starting in March 2019 Discord gave the ability for developers and publishers that ran their own servers to offer their games through a dedicated store channel on their server, with Discord managing the payment processing and distribution. This can be used, for example, to give select users access to alpha- and beta-builds of a game in progress as an early access alternative.

7 . Discord Developer tools
In December 2016, the company introduced its GameBridge API, which allows game developers to directly integrate with Discord within games.

In December 2017, Discord added a software development kit that allows developers to integrate their games with the service, called "rich presence". This integration is commonly used to allow players to join each other's games through Discord or to display information about a player's game progression in their Discord profile.

8 . Discord BOTs
Discord also provides tools for users to create their own BOTs for AUTO ADMINs etc. There are tools such as discord.js that allow bots developers to interact with the Discord API to control their bots.

Discord Website :

Discord Developer(s) :
Discord Inc. (Originally Hammer & Chisel, Inc.)

Discord Initial release :
May 13, 2015

Discord Written in :
JavaScript , Elixir , Python , Rust , C++

Discord Operating system :
Windows , macOS , Linux , iOS , iPadOS , Android , Web Browsers

Discord Available in 30 languages :
English (UK/US), Bulgarian, Chinese (Simplified/Traditional), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese

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Gedung GBI Heart of Christ Lt.2
JI Green Ville blok AY no.12 Jakarta Barat
WA : 0815 4242 0123 . 0812 1010 255
Pdm. DR. Budi Adjisalim M.Th. D.Min. D.Th.
Facebook : GBI.HeartOfChrist
Youtube : GBI Heart Of Christ
Instagram : GBI.HeartOfChrist


Minggu 20 Februari 2022
Jam 11:00 WIB
1 RAJA RAJA 17:1-6

Tema :

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Gembala GBI Heart of Christ

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Happy Lantern Festival



= Holy Friday
= Holy Great Friday
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= Great Holy Friday
= Best Friday
= Good Friday
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Valentine Day


Valentine Day from Catholic religion traditional event to honor Saint Valentine who executed by Roman Empire ( AntiChrist ) .

Roman Emperor Claudius II, circa 260 AD, forbade roman soldiers to marry, for he considered that wedlock would severely diminish their efficiency, strength and lack of mercy in the battlefield. It was then, that a Catholic Priest, later known as Saint Valentine conducted wedding ceremonies in secret.

For this reason, he was arrested and thrown in prison by Emperor Claudius II. He was put under vigilance of prefect Asterius, director of the confine who had challenged Valentine before regarding his alleged healing powers. Asterius, a ruthless man, requested Valentine to restore the gift of sight to his daughter, Julia, who was born a blind girl. Valentine placed his hands over her eyes, prayed to GOD, and Julia was able to see. Asterius in awe of Valentine's power converted to Catholic religion along with 46 members of his family. He then also freed all Catholics who were confined in his prison. The emperor, aware of what had happened, ordered Valentine and Asterius to be beheaded. The penalty was probably executed, on February 14, 271 AD.

Sometime before his execution, Valentine wrote a letter signed “from your Valentine”, saying goodbye to Julia, the daughter of Asterius with whom he had fallen in love. This would become the first record in history of a “Valentine's Day letter”.

He was buried in Rome near the Via Flaminia. Catholics exhumed his body and moved it to the city of Terni and he would then become the patron saint of this city. A basilica was built in Terni dedicated to St. Valentine. His remains still lay there.

Over two hundred years later, in 495 AD, in order to censor and undermine the unholy evil satanic ritual event called “Lupercalia” celebrated by Roman AntiChrist, Pope Gelasius I commuted the people of Rome to a celebration in honor of Saint Valentine, for Lupercalia ( february 15 ) had been celebrated since long before Catholic and, as its name suggests, was a very harsh event. Little by little the pagan gathering was suppressed and the celebration in honor of the saint took its rise.

The legend of Saint Valentine made him the patron saint of lovers, and forever made February 14, the day of his death, as the day to celebrate romance love.

source information from : https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0121737217300833

Hari Valentine dari acara tradisional agama Katolik untuk hormati Santo Valentine yang dieksekusi oleh Kekaisaran Romawi ( AntiKris ) .

Kaisar Romawi Claudius II, sekitar tahun 260 M, melarang tentara Romawi untuk menikah, karena ia menganggap bahwa pernikahan akan sangat mengurangi efisiensi, kekuatan, dan kurangnya belas kasihan mereka di medan perang.  Saat itulah, seorang Imam Katolik, yang kemudian dikenal sebagai Saint Valentine melakukan upacara pernikahan secara rahasia.

 Karena alasan ini, dia ditangkap dan dijebloskan ke penjara oleh Kaisar Claudius II.  Dia ditempatkan di bawah pengawasan prefek Asterius, direktur kurungan yang telah menantang Valentine sebelumnya mengenai dugaan kekuatan penyembuhannya.  Asterius, seorang pria kejam, meminta Valentine untuk mengembalikan hadiah penglihatan kepada putrinya, Julia, yang terlahir sebagai gadis buta.  Valentine meletakkan tangannya di atas matanya, berdoa kepada TUHAN, dan Julia bisa melihat.  Asterius kagum dengan kekuatan Valentine dan Asterius memeluk agama Katolik bersama dengan 46 anggota keluarganya.  Dia kemudian juga membebaskan semua orang Katolik yang dikurung di penjaranya.  Kaisar, menyadari apa yang terjadi, memerintahkan Valentine dan Asterius untuk dipenggal.  Hukuman itu mungkin dilaksanakan, pada tanggal 14 Februari 271 M.

 Beberapa saat sebelum eksekusi, Valentine menulis surat yang ditandatangani "dari Valentine Anda", mengucapkan selamat tinggal kepada Julia, putri Asterius yang telah dia cintai.  Ini akan menjadi rekor pertama dalam sejarah "Surat Hari Valentine".

 Ia dimakamkan di Roma dekat Via Flaminia.  Orang-orang Katolik menggali tubuhnya dan memindahkannya ke kota Terni dan dia kemudian akan menjadi santo pelindung kota ini.  Sebuah basilika dibangun di Terni yang didedikasikan untuk St. Valentine.  Jenazahnya masih tergeletak di sana.

 Lebih dari dua ratus tahun kemudian, pada tahun 495 M, untuk menyensor dan merusak acara setan yang jahat tidak suci yang disebut "Lupercalia" yang dirayakan oleh orang-orang Romawi AntiKris, Paus Gelasius I mengubah menjadi perayaan untuk menghormati Santo Valentine, karena Lupercalia ( 15 februari ) telah dirayakan jauh sebelum Katolik dan, seperti namanya, adalah peristiwa yang sangat keras.  Sedikit demi sedikit perkumpulan pagan dipadamkan dan perayaan untuk menghormati orang suci itu meningkat.

 Legenda Santo Valentine menjadikannya santo pelindung para pecinta, dan selamanya menjadikan 14 Februari, hari kematiannya, sebagai hari untuk merayakan romantis cinta.