rain clean = hujan bersih

rain cleaning corona viruses
hujan bersihkan virus2 corona


chinese christian songs


masalah kos

masalah peraturan yang dibuat oleh pengurus kos : " mohon buka alas kaki " di depan pintu rumah kos jika mau masuk ke dalam rumah kos dengan alasan takut virus dari luar masuk .

pendapat saya : jika takut virus dari luar masuk ke rumah maka seharusnya juga : buka topi , buka sarung tangan , buka masker , buka sepatu , buka kaos kaki , buka baju , buka celana , buka dalaman , buka semua yang dipakai waktu keluar , lalu cuci semua itu di depan rumah , lalu sekalian mandi di depan rumah , setelah semua bersih baru masuk ke rumah .

mohon maaf saya orangnya jujur kata apa adanya . jika peraturan begitu maka saya lebih baik cari kos lain yang tidak ada peraturan begitu . di mana2 di kos2 lain masalah lantai kotor sudah seharusnya dibersihkan oleh pembantu pengurus kos . di kos2 lain tidak ada peraturan " buka alas kaki " , semua orang2 kos bebas keluar masuk pakai sepatu alas kaki .

walau bagaimanapun saya tetap harus terima kasih banyak kepada pemilik kos yang sudah berbuat baik kasih saya kos di rumah pemilik kos . saya doakan semoga kiranya TUHAN YESUS MEMBERKATI MELINDUNGI PEMILIK KOS & KELUARGA & PENGURUS KOS & LAIN2 SEMUA SEHAT SELAMAT AMIN


setelah pemilik kos kasih penjelasan bahwa peraturan itu dibuat oleh pemilik kos sejak dulu dan berlaku untuk semua orang2 kos maka saya tidak jadi pindah kos

secret informations

secret person gave secret informations :

Understand our material universe no need to know about  Relativity, conservation of mass and energy.

Decode and unseal the secrets of Biblical Prophecies in Books of Leviticus, Daniel and Revelation'.

Jehovah God create our material universe using the power of 50 according to Book of Leviticus, chapter 25, verses 1-14. He declare 7 stages of plagues to the earth by SEVEN SEALS written in Book of Revelation, chapters 6-16. Each stage lasts 7 years, starting from A.D. 2005. Altogether is 7x7 years. So, every new stage begins in A.D.2005 (Hamas began to administer in Gaza, Palestine.), A.D.2012 (Islamic State beheaded people.), A.D.2019 (Economic depression and Covid-19 began.), A.D.2026 (Massive wars will appear in many regions of the globe.), A.D.2033 (Persecution of Christians and Jews will appear.), A.D.2040 (The earth will be shaken by gravitational waves when two giant black holes merge in the universe and the most powerful Anitchrist and crazy False Prophet will escape from the jail of two giant black holes. All alive and baptized Christians will be taken to heaven either in A.D.2040 or A.D.2047), A.D.2047 (Small scale nuclear war will be launched and the Antichrist will descend onto the earth to disguise as the saviour, Jesus Christ, to delude people in the world and at the same time two true prophets of Jehovah God will appear to protect Israel.), A.D.2050 (The False Prophet will appear on the earth and will kill nearly all Christians and Jews.), A.D.2054 (The genuine saviour, Jesus Christ, will descend onto the earth.) Jehovah God ends our material universe using a golden jubilee of SEVENTY, i.e. 70x50, to establish `New Sky and New Earth' for eternal life of mankind  according to Book of Daniel, chapter 9, verses 24-27.

The general form of God's Jubilee Creation Formula established by Mr. Wong chung-kai, John, is BC=5131x50^(8-n) -m, where `BC' is the year reckoned before Christ (B.C.). `n' is the Day of God's creation and `m' is the end year of God's Millennial Kingdom reckoned in A.D. (Anno Domini). If the end of Millennial Kingdom is in A.D.3054:

For n=1, BC=5,131x50^(8-1) -3054, BC=4,008,593,749,996,946. God created light in 4,008,593,749,996,946 B.C. The duration of 1st Day of God's Creation is 256,550x50x50x50x50x50x50=4,008,593,750,000,
000 years.

For n=2, BC=5,131x50^(8-2) -3054, BC=80,171,874,996,946. God created firmament in 80,171,874,996,946 B.C. The duration of 2nd Day of God's Creation is 256,550x50x50x50x50x50=80,171,875,000,000 years.

For n=3, BC=5,131x50^(8-3) -3054, BC=1,603,437,496,946. God created land, sea and plant in 1,603,437,496,946 B.C. The duration of 3rd Day of God's Creation is 256,550x50x50x50x50=1,603,437,500,000 years.

For n=4, BC=5,131x50^(8-4) -3054, BC=32,068,746,946. God created the sun, moon and stars in 32,068,746,946 B.C. The duration of 4th Day of God's Creation is 256,550x50x50x50=32,068,750,000 years.

For n=5, BC=5,131x50^(8-5) -3054, BC=641,371,946. God created water creature and fowl in 641,371,946 B.C. The duration of 5th Day of God's Creation is 256,550x50x50=641,375,000 years.

For n=6, BC=5,131x50^(8-6) -3054, BC=12,824,446. God created creeping thing and beast in 12,824,446 B.C. The duration of 6th Day of God's Creation is 256,550x50=12,827,500 years.

For n=7, BC=5,131x50^(8-7) -3054, BC=253,496. God created modern wise man, Adam, and his wife Eve in 253,496 B.C..The duration of human beings is 256,550 years.

Jesus will return in A.D.2054 because 445B.C.+(7x70)x5+(7x7)→A.D.2054 referring to the prophecy of Seventy Weeks' described in the Book of Daniel, chapter 9, verses 24-27 and the prophecy of Open Seven Seals' mentioned in the Book of Revelation, chapters 6-16. On average, opening each seal means 7 years. Opening seven seals mean 49 years. Seventy Weeks'=(7x70) years. The Holy Spirit sealed up the visions of Four Sea Beasts' described in the Book of Daniel, chapter 7, by (7x70)x4 years. The fifth Seventy Weeks' is related to the second coming of Jesus Christ. The unique genuine Jesus Christ will descend onto the earth after the fifth Seventy Weeks' and `Open Seven Seals'. Before this, all are Antichrists or False Christ. Jesus will establish Millennium Kingdom in A.D.2055 because 445B.C.+(50x50)→A.D.2055, referring to the Book of Leviticus, chapter 25. The equation is equivalent to 445B.C.+(7x70)x5+50→A.D.2055.

Since 445B.C.+(7x70)x5+(7x0)→A.D.2005, the event was related to Hamas in Gaza, Palestine.

Since 445B.C.+(7x70)x5+(7x1)→A.D.2012, the event was related to Islamic State.

Since 445B.C.+(7x70)x5+(7x2)→A.D.2019, now we are in the stage of opening the third seal mentioned in chapters 6-16, Book of Revelation. Economic depression has begun in the world and Covid-19 also started in middle December of A.D.2019.

Since 445B.C.+(7x70)x5+(7x3)→A.D.2026, wars will begin in a massive scale in many regions of the globe.

Since 445B.C.+(7x70)x5+(7x4)→A.D.2033, Christians and Jews will be persecuted.

Since 445B.C.+(7x70)x5+(7x5)→A.D.2040, the universe will be shaken by tremendous gravitational waves because two giant black holes will merge and the most powerful Antichrist and crazy False Prophet will escape from the two black holes in the universe. All alive and baptized Christians will be taken to heaven either at the same time or in A.D.2047. 

Since 445B.C.+(7x70)x5+(7x6)→A.D.2047, the most powerful Antichrist will descend onto the earth. Everybody can see him by naked eyes. He will disguise as Jesus Christ mentioned in Book of Revelation to deluge all nations in the world. He is the fake saviour mentioned in the Book of Revelation.  At the same time, two True Prophets will appear in Israel teaching people to have faith in Jehovah God and believe Jesus Christ in the same year.

Since 445B.C.+(7x70)x5+(7x6)+3.5→A.D.2050, the most crazy False Prophet will appear in the world.

Since 445B.C.+(7x70)x5+(7x7)→A.D.2054, Jesus Christ will descend onto the earth.

Since 445B.C.+(7x70)x5+50→A.D.2055 or 445B.C.+(50x50)→A.D.2055, Jesus will officially establish Millennium Kingdom. Millennium Kingdom will last for 1000 years.

Since Since 445B.C.+(7x70)x5+50+1000→A.D.3055 or 445B.C.+(70x50)→A.D.3055, Jehovah God will officially  establish `New Sky and New Earth' and eternal life begins. Human beings will live with Jehovah God.


From the going forth of the third commandment by Persian King Artaxerxes to rebuild Jerusalem to Holy Covenant (Wye River Memorandum): 445B.C.+(7x70)x4+7x(7+62)→23rd Oct.,1998(Fri.)

From Holy Covenant (Wye River Memorandum) to the Day of Plague Golden Jubilee (False God & False Prophet were released from bottomless pit of black hole in the universe on Mon., 14th Sept., 2015.): (Fri.,23rd Oct.,1998)+(360 days)x7→(Th.,15th Sept., 2005)


Since the date of Holy Covenant is known, the date of second coming of Jesus Christ can be determined by calculation. Please read my thesis on :






27 MARCH 2020


kasihan sekali lihat orang miskin pakaian sederhana bawa kantong2 plastik berdiri sendirian di luar minimarket . pegawai minimarket kata tiap hari sore oma itu datang berdiri di luar sudah lama sekali 5 tahun !!! orang2 miskin yang tidak punya rumah kasihan sekali !!! OOOOOOOH TUHAN YESUS KASIHANILAH TOLONGLAH ORANG2 MISKIN YANG TIDAK PUNYA RUMAH SUPAYA PUNYA RUMAH !!!