buy new sim card tri 3

today goto roxy jakarta
buy new sim card tri 3.

tri sms 1 only then free sms to all operators 24 hours
and telephone to same tri cheap 15 rupiah per minute.

but tri signal weak at some places (malls)
tri need to install more repeater at all area.

pray pray pray

GOD YOU know
please help us
thanks GOD

sorry and thanks

human not perfect can do right or wrong,
so remember not forget to sorry + thanks,
say sorry if wrong and say thanks if help,

pray pray pray

GOD help us
thanks GOD

mystery of mind

human can think in mind,
some think mind from self,
some think mind from other,
from where the mind come?
from who the mind come?
some mind are negative,
some mind are positive,
some mind are good,
some mind are bad,
how to control mind?
how to manage mind?
how to be peace mind?
why GOD create human?
why GOD create mind?
why GOD create me?

talk or not

to be or not to be
to be talk or not to be talk
that is the problem