my journey today

sms sms sms sms sms sms sms sms sms sms

lindeteves mall jakarta,
buy ear plugs 10000,
internet not connect,
talk with people,
tufgbovt a christian,
he saved by GOD JESUS,

seasons mall jakarta,
buy peanuts and biscuits,
watch people play games,

pray pray pray

GOD help us

dehem is noise

what is dehem ?
why do dehem ?

some dehem because sick throat (the noise act of clearing throat),
some dehem because sick heart (the noise sign of dislike or hate),
some dehem purpose to attack someone use a noise from throat,
and many many other purposes reasons of human doing dehem,

if dehem purpose to attack then dehem is evil action bad not good,
human shall not dehem because dehem is noise and bad not good.

control the mind

some times some human mind can be control by devil,
devil have ability to talk speak voice in mind of human,
the evil mind from devil will cause human think do evil,
do not let the evil mind of devil control mind of human,
human must control mind to think good for life in good.

my journey today

sms sms sms sms sms sms sms sms sms sms

ciputra mall jakarta,
podomoro mall jakarta,
anggrek mall jakarta,

sms sms sms sms sms sms sms sms sms sms