teach internet m264

today night when the owner of rent room house m264 jakarta,
ask me to troubleshoot the problem of can not connect internet,
then found that wall building house was reduced signal internet,
and make connection internet failed to connet because low signal,
move laptop from inside house to front of house and got high signal,
and i teach some knowledge about internet to the owner m264 jakarta.

pay rent room house m264 jakarta

pay 400000 rupiah per month
rent room house m264 jakarta

thanks GOD protected me

today journey jakarta

mangga dua square mall jakarta,
ciputra mall jakarta,

pray pray pray

GOD love us
GOD forgive us
GOD heal us
GOD repair us
GOD bless us
GOD protect us
GOD save us

today journey jakarta

pray pray pray pray pray,
wash dress dry in room,
bath and change dress,
eat lunch warteg jakarta,
bus and destiny of bus,

emporium mall pluit jakarta,
carrefour still under renovation,
2 months ago carrefour burned,
food court's fence glass broken,
how can broken glass thick 1cm?

seasons mall grogol jakarta,
eat dinner warteg in mall,
buy 2 shorts 20000 rp,
buy biscuits for stock,
talk with some people,

wash dress and bath,
internet and write diary,
watch television laptop,
play sci-fi games online,
earphone christian songs,

pray pray pray

GOD help us