goto pancoran glodok lindeteves

today afternoon minibus goto pancoran,
walk look hear think walk look hear think,
then walk to glodok, walk to lindeteves,
lindeteves floor 2 internet free hotspot pc,
from lindeteves walk back to bridgethree.

priest requirement qualified

to be priest must over 80% good personality !
if someone below 79% then better not priest !

gamenet and playstation

sometimes goto world trade center mangga dua jakarta indonesia,
play video game playstation 0.1 usd per hour, internet 0.3 per hour,
sometimes goto games online house near ciputra mall grogol jakarta,
others gamenet at tanjung duren, and others gamenet near bridgethree,
usually go out house time 12:00 until 19:00 and then back to house kost,
sometimes buy cd games from cd store, the cheaper cd mega mall jakarta.
sometimes play games browser or download internet games very long times.

water full overflow

today morning i forget close faucet water bath room,
water full overflow, time to full, time to overflow, etc.
water cost, water value, water quantity, water quality.
why GOD created water ? what GOD purpose ? etc.
water look very soft but actually water very hard too.
water few light, water many heavy, water for drink,
water for live, water for bath, water for clean, etc.
JESUS is the Water of Life, drink JESUS for live,
Believe JESUS and Accept JESUS for salvation.

pray pray pray

may GOD JESUS help me. amen

watch television kost

sometimes i go down to the ground floor,
to watch television kost, channel satellite.

wash dress clean

after yesterday i put all dress in the water detergent,
after back to house kost today i wash clean all dress.