from television newspaper internet the world know today evil cause
many human do suicide, some because of: evil purpose, terrorism,
wrong think, wrong doctrine, wrong ideology, wrong knowledge,
wrong wisdom, wrong understand, wrong concept, wrong principle,
politic failed, business failed, unemployed, broken heart, broken home,
over frustration, over depression, over stress, over shame, over feel guilty,
think no way, weak mental, fool stupid idiot, heard follow evil voice, etc.

in past time: a friend of university, after graduate, work job, and
married. only several months after married, he call me, he talk to me
about 3 hours, he tell me that he have problem debt business failed
and problem broken home his wife run away back to her parents home.
his type personality is high emotion. after 3 days later other friend
call tell me that he was dead. his family said he was eat poison food.

in past time: when i  know the truth that my personality problem is
over sensitive, over emotion, over angry, unemployed, over stress,
over frustration, over depression, think no way, think suicide but failed,
i pray pray pray pray pray talk talk talk talk talk talk TALK TO GOD JESUS,
GOD JESUS want me _ STAY _ ALIVE _ to do more for GOD JESUS
to tell the Truth to more people in this world about the Salvation.
Thanks GOD JESUS save me! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

i pray for all of you, no matter how big your problem, no matter what
your condition, no matter who you are, do not suicide, STAY ALIVE,
come to GOD JESUS. pray talk to GOD JESUS. GOD JESUS Love you.
GOD JESUS want save you. Believe GOD JESUS and you will save.


what is love ?
what is sex ?

love is need of spirit.
sex is need of flesh.

why GOD create love ?
why GOD create sex ?

GOD create human have spirit and flesh.
GOD create human have love and sex.

why human must have spirit and flesh ?
why human must have love and sex ?

spirit is eternal thing.
flesh is temporary thing.

love is eternal thing.
sex is temporary thing.

spirit love is eternal thing.
flesh sex is temporary thing.

eternal thing is for eternal.
temporary thing is for temporary.

love have 2 kind : eternal and or temporary.
sex have 1 kind : no eternal, only temporary.

eternal love is Eternal Love.
temporary love is temporary love.

eternal no sex is eternal no sex.
temporary sex is temporary sex.

Eternal Love is Love of Spirit.
temporary love is love of flesh.

Eternal Love is for Eternal Live.
temporary love is for temporary live.

Spirit born Spirit.
flesh born flesh.

Spirit need Love.
flesh need sex.

Love is Good.
sex is bad.

Love is Holy.
sex is sin.

Repent ! Repent ! Repent !
Repent ! Repent ! Repent ! 

Spirit is eternal will exist forever.
flesh is temporary will gone forever.

Spirit Love is Eternal Love for Eternal Live will exist forever.
flesh love is temporary love for temporary live will gone forever.
flesh sex is temporary sex for temporary live will gone forever.

GOD JESUS is The Eternal Love.
if you Believe GOD JESUS then you will have Eternal Love.
if you not believe GOD JESUS then you will not have Eternal Love.

GOD JESUS is The Eternal Live.
if you Believe GOD JESUS then you will have Eternal Live.
if you not believe GOD JESUS then you will not have Eternal Live.

GOD JESUS in The Eternal Heaven.
if you Believe GOD JESUS then you will goto Heaven.
if you not believe GOD JESUS then you will goto hell.

how to not over sensitive and not over angry ?

i do not know. i know. i do not know. i know.
i try many times to not sensitive and not angry,
but i am still very sensitive and very angry.

how to change GOD to not sensitive and not angry ?
can you change GOD ? can you change your self ?
GOD can change everything, but GOD not change.

why i am very sensitive and very angry ?
why you are not sensitive and not angry ?
shall i same with you ? shall you same with me ?

this is destiny, destiny can not change.
but some can change, that is destiny too.
change or not change that is the destiny.

i try to understand why must like this.
but still do not understand why like this.
can you understand GOD ? no one can.

actually sensitive and angry is good.
sensitive is for sense something.
angry is for anger on something.

but over sensitive and over angry is bad.
over sensitive is over sense anything.
over angry is over anger on anything.

no one like to over sensitive and over angry.
i do not want to over sensitive and over angry.
how to not over sensitive and not over angry ?

oh GOD please help me.
oh GOD please change me.
oh GOD please help change me to not over sensitive and not over angry.

game online multiplayer problems

i had play many game online multiplayer,
all game multiplayer have same problem,

bad player said bad word in public chat,
bad action and bad word will cause war,

war will cause some dead not play game,
war will cause many many other problem,

better not play game online multiplayer,
better play game offline singleplayer,

multi player = multi problem,
single player = single problem,

more people more problem,
less people less problem,

single alone is the best ^.^


poor power plant produce not enough electric for all house,
cause almost everyday electric off, cause many activity off,
cause can not watch television, cause can not internet, etc.

they think want use nuclear plant to produce more more electric,
but they not think this land have many active volcano earthquake,
volcano earthquake will cause nuclear plant explode kill them self.

today many human depend on electric to do activity in morning,
today many human depend on light to do activity in night.

human need electric for live,
human need light for live.

electric light is temporary and will gone if no electric,
ETERNAL LIGHT is forever and will exist all eternal.

the temporary light is for the temporary live,

human need the ETERNAL LIGHT and the ETERNAL LIVE,

who believe JESUS, will have the ETERNAL LIGHT and the ETERNAL LIVE,
who not believe JESUS, will not have the ETERNAL LIGHT and the ETERNAL LIVE.

i tell you the TRUTH ...

today wake 20:00, peace not war, good day, thanks GOD JESUS! hallelujah! ^.^
i am thinking what shall i write post to my this diary, think, think, think, ...
write the past times history or teach the wisdom or tell what will happen ...

past times history: ...
10 age i win gift from game center when ball hit the color yellow i chosen.
25 age i win design strong church can hold heavy burden in church event.
30 age i win prize in lucky draw event of church christmas celebration day.

teach the wisdom: ...
what the first important ???
what the first value ???
what the first purpose ???

what will happen: ...
GOD JESUS MESSIAH will coming soon !!!
who believe JESUS, will live forever in heaven !!!
who not believe JESUS, will dead forever in hell !!!