thanks GOD love me!
amen! hallelujah! ^.^

U LOVE i and i Love U

GOD LOVE i and i Love GOD.

what is LOVE ???

LOVE for what?

how to LOVE?

i Love GOD and GOD LOVE i.

live vs died

why GOD create live?
why GOD create died?

everybody can live.
everybody can died.

live not died.
died not live.

live for what?
died for what?

strong vs weak

what your strong?
what your weak?

everyone have strong and weak.
everyone have weak and strong.

weak not strong.
strong not weak.

married vs single

married is good.
single is good.

married is bad.
single is bad.

good vs bad

why GOD create good things?
why GOD create bad things?

together vs alone

together is good.
alone is good.

together is bad.
alone is bad.