in poor condition you will know the truth

in poor condition
you will know
who is friend
and who is not friend.

in poor condition
you will know the truth.

today activity


GOD change some people to rich.
GOD not change some people to rich.
because all must happen according to destiny plan of GOD.

some people poor & some people rich.
GOD not change all people to rich.
live is not about poor or rich.


in poor condition or in rich condition ...
do you still love each other? do you still love GOD?
Matthew 22:37-39

GOD still Love you in poor condition or in rich condition.
GOD is LOVE forever.

GOD have secret destiny to my purpose life

my destiny character is over sensitive,
cause me can not work in company,
i must self create own business.

if i am not accept this destiny character over sensitive,
long time ago i was suicide,
but failed several times,
and i am still live until now,
because GOD not let me died,
i don't know why,
maybe GOD have secret destiny to my purpose life.

many clever but little understand

in this world

many people clever
many people smart
many people intellect
many people genius


little people understand

GOD create everyone destiny different

GOD create everyone destiny are different.
GOD create everyone character are different.
GOD create everyone purpose life are different.

everyone is different destiny.
everyone is different character.
everyone is different purpose life.