solve the problems

congratulation to ** ********** ***** ******* for 6 times posting same thing in my group !!! you are very creative very innovative very genius very good very humble very popular !!! i see you have many videos in youtube in the past times !!! today you have few videos meaning you are jobless no works no evangelizes no videos so that you can only posting same video for 6 times in my group !!! i as a admin of my group , i am very concern about your action your deed are considered as spam annoying insulting feeling of other people !!! i as a admin of my group , i was gave warning to you yesterday , but you are stubborn not want listen !!! i as a admin of my group , i have to use my powers to solve your problems !!! i give you free scholarships for you to go to higher university to learn higher education to be more intellect and more wise !!! GOD BLESS YOU !!!