nonton video ini peneliti2 jepang kata bahaya virus2 corona bisa menular lewat udara !!! ketika orang2 sakit virus2 corona bersin2 batuk2 bicara2 semburkan ke udara triliunan virus2 corona sangat kecil sekali sangat ringan sekali virus2 corona melayang2 di udara berjam2 virus2 corona menular ke orang2 lain !!! lebih bahaya dalam ruangan tertutup virus2 corona melayang2 di udara berjam2 virus2 corona terhirup oleh semua orang2 dalam ruangan menjadi tertular virus2 corona !!! di luar di jalan2 di mana2 virus2 corona melayang2 di udara mengikuti tiupan angin !!! jika angin tiup ke mana2 maka virus2 corona terbawa angin ke mana2 !!! jarak 2 meter tidak aman bisa tertular virus2 corona !!! jarak 10 meter juga tidak aman !!! jarak 100 meter mungkin aman !!! tergantung angin jika angin bisa tiup sampai jarak 100 meter maka jarak 100 meter tidak aman !!! HARUS PAKAI MASKER ( N95 ) UNTUK KEAMANAN MENCEGAH TIDAK TERTULAR VIRUS2 CORONA !!!

watch this video japanese researchers said the danger of corona viruses can be transmitted through the air !!! when people get sick the corona viruses sneeze cough talking will burst into the air trillions of corona viruses are very small very light corona viruses floating in the air for hours corona viruses spread to other people !!! more dangerous in closed room corona viruses floating in the air for hours corona viruses inhaled by everyone in the room become infected with corona viruses !!! outside on the streets everywhere corona viruses floating in the air following the wind !!! if the wind blows everywhere then corona viruses are carried to everywhere !!! distance of 2 meters is not safe can be infected with corona viruses !!! 10 meters is also not safe !!! distance of 100 meters may be safe !!! depending on the wind if the wind can blow up to distance of 100 meters then distance of 100 meters is not safe !!! MUST WEAR MASK (N95) FOR SAFETY PREVENT NOT INFECTED WITH CORONA VIRUSES !!!