help poors and save souls !!!

help the poors and save the souls !!!

2018 some the poors told their stories : some the poors detain in the social houses , have free food free drink free bath free sleep , 30 people sleep together in each room , but can not go out , life without freedom , for 1 month 2 months 3 months 5 months 7 months 10 months 12 months more !!! some the poors died in the social houses !!!

governments detain the poors for the beauty of the cities and for the convenience of the citizens and for the fame of the country !!!

not wise system to solve the poors by detain the poors  !!!

detain the poors = life without freedom = against human rights !!!

governments must help the poors but governments must not detain the poors !!!

governments must create the small towns for the poors life in freedom beside the big cities !!!

important help the poors but more important save the souls !!!