follow GOD JESUS


🌸 remember White Thursday !!!

🌸 GOD JESUS performed The Last Supper by washing the feet of disciples !!!

🌸 GOD JESUS said to disciples : you call ME TEACHER and GOD , you are right because I am TEACHER and GOD !!!

🌸 so if I wash your feet , I am GOD and your TEACHER , then you also ought to wash each other's feet because I have given you an example , so that you may do just as I have done to you ( John 13 : 13 - 14 ) !!!

🌸 the teaching that GOD JESUS did was always with the example of real action , so the disciples are easy to understand !!!

🌸 we as disciples of GOD JESUS are also commanded to emulate the character and actions of GOD JESUS !!!

🌸 must be a good example by humble not selfish to be able to serve GOD JESUS sincerely !!!

🌸 follow GOD JESUS !!!

🌸 GOD JESUS has set an example for us as disciples to do just as GOD JESUS did !!!

🌸 let's pray : GOD JESUS enable us to emulate GOD JESUS , releasing our selfish for being able to serve GOD JESUS sincerely , in the name of GOD JESUS amen !!!