EVIL STUPID angela merkel OPEN EUROPE DOORS for million migrants COME TO DESTROY EUROPE !!!



Russia’s Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said that everything about the EUROPEAN UNION ’ s MIGRATION POLICY is TERRIBLE !!!

“ it is EVIL STUPID to OPEN the EUROPEAN DOORS and INVITE EVERYONE that wants to COME TO DESTROY EUROPE !!! ” Medvedev told the newspaper Handelsblatt in a direct attack on angela merkel ’ s EVIL STUPID “ OPEN DOOR ” REFUGEE POLICY LET MILLION MIGRANTS COME TO DESTROY EUROPE !!!



" it's all angela merkel's EVIL STUPID FAULT !!! "

Germans BLAME angela merkel ' OPEN DOOR POLICY ' to one million migrants for brawl involving mob of 100 neo-nazis and 20 asylum seekers !!!



angela merkel is STUPID EVIL nazi !!!

angela merkel will finish what hitler and the national socialists ( e.g., nazis ) dreamed of when 80 years ago during World War II adolph hitler’s nazis ( = national socialism ) and joseph stalin’s communists ( = international socialism ) were understood by many scholars as two sides of the same fascist coin !!!

