super earthquake and super tsunami

look california earthquake M2+ every minute every hour every day,
i calculate how long time for super earthquake will happen,
short time to cause small earthquake, long time to cause super earthquake,

earth warming and sun warming and sin will accelerate the super earthquake,
can prevent the super earthquake ? the answer is yes and no,
yes can if all human repent and pray and stop earth warming and stop
sun warming and etc.

can you reduce sun warming ? human technology not yet reach that level,
time of super earthquake can delay by repent and pray and reduce earth warming,
earth warming can reduce by stop pollution and plant trillion trillion
trillion tree,

if not repent and not stop pollution and not plant tree, then must
prepare for the worse !
this super earthquake have magnitude 13+ more or 26+ more or 39+ more ...

surface earthquake magnitude M13+ can destroy all in radius 338 km !
surface earthquake magnitude M26+ can destroy all in radius 1352 km !
surface earthquake magnitude M39+ can destroy all in radius 3042 km !
surface earthquake magnitude M99+ can destroy all in radius 19602 km !

super earthquake can cause super tsunami !
when will happen ? time not long ! soon !

Repent and Believe and Accept GOD JESUS MESSIAH for your Salvation !