pastor priest prophet

6 november 2009 today friday, light rain weather cool,
10:00 am wake up, toilet, bath, dress, eat, watch tv,
11:00 am internet 100 ms sometimes ping time out,
11:12 am start write diary from gmail send to blog,
my past times history about pastor priest prophet:

when i was at junior school, when i came into class,
chief said: "pastor coming" i am happy heard that :)
because i am a chief religion of school organization.

when i was work job at the pulp and paper company,
they said: "hi hallo priest" i am happy heard that ^.^
because i always advise them not to do bad things.

when i was grow up and know about what is prophet,
i like to be a prophet, because prophet listen to GOD,
prophet live alone for GOD, prophet is GOD messenger.