why axis can not connect internet ???

axis CAN NOT CONNECT INTERNET some hours everyday !!!
axis have problems ???
axis do discrimination ???
axis intentionally do can not connect ???
axis set auto block ???
axis set auto reject ???
axis set auto disconnected ???
axis error repairing ???
axis traffic jammed ???
i will throw axis to trash if axis still can not connect !!!

after sms to 123 then axis do make connect internet !!!
suspicious axis discrimination do that disconnected !!!
suspicious maybe bad weather cause disconnected ???

i think want change to other sim card internet !!!
maybe back to tri 3 even signal weak less !!!
maybe buy other new sim card internet !!!

suspicious axis staff have problems !!!
suspicious axis staff have problems do bad !!!
suspicious axis staff have problems discrimination !!!

investigate axis staff who do that and fired soon !!!
do not let axis down by some bad staff who do that !!!
this message warning for axis indonesia to be careful !!!

good person do good things !!!
bad person do bad things !!!
GOD know all things !!!